Let’s Change Customs … Talk About Your Joys!

In this article we suggest you change yourself and your surroundings to spend more time talking about everything that makes us happy: our joys.

Surely you also have that friend or that neighbor who is always talking to you about all the negative things that happen to her: of those rebellious children, of how bad the world is, of that headache that never goes away, or even of how badly he gets along with his relatives …

Later, when you say goodbye, you notice that something is bothering you. You feel like a weight in your heart and a slight discomfort in your head. What is happening? You should know that words loaded with negativity  often have secondary effects for whoever says them and whoever hears them. They leave us with a certain regret and that feeling that “everything is wrong.”

Protect yourself from them and, what is more important, also focus your thoughts so that they always go towards positivism, towards what fills you with hope and that can offer you hope. It’s worth a try!

Speaking of joys does not mean that I ignore my sadness

Absolutely. When we speak of joys we are not hiding our sadness. It is only about guiding our thoughts towards personal improvement, towards optimism.

Let’s take an example. You come home and you say to your partner: How my head hurts, this pain is going to kill me! Ideally, rather than reaffirming even to ourselves that this suffering is horrible, is to transform that expression into something useful: “My head hurts, I’m going for a walk because I’m sure it will clear up that way.” They are, as you can see,  simple strategies for day to day.

We have another example in those people who, when they get home, talk for hours about how badly they get along with their bosses, and may even despise or insult them. This is not good since what we do with it is to further increase our discomfort.

If you feed the problems with anger or negative words, they will get bigger. So what can we do? The best thing is to come home and talk about those positive things that you have done, seen or thought about during the day. Talk about your joys, your dreams. It will make you feel so much better.

Half the joy lies in talking about her

This is a very true old proverb. We are sure that it will always be more pleasant for you to share your time with positive people who talk about their joys. Also, life seems so much easier, fun and happier.

This does not mean, in any way, that we also share our problems. But it must always be done from a constructive perspective and not “regretting it “.

The world is determined to make me unhappy! Everything bad happens to me!  Let’s avoid these kinds of expressions. If I transmit positivity and joy, I get whoever is with me to relax and receive this positive energy, and we both win. Therefore, it is worth it!

How can I focus my day to day towards these “joys”?

We know. It is never easy to speak of joys when our insides feel sad or heavy. There are many problems that we have to overcome every day. We suffer disappointments, we have fears, anxieties … Therefore, in what way can we guide our thinking to always see the good side of things ?

Reflect on these aspects:

1. Understand that we all have problems, but everything passes, and everything is cured. Your health and well-being are the most important. Manage these problems properly by establishing ideas to solve them. Also, if you focus only on the “negative” aspect of the problem, it will get bigger and bigger. Approach it as something that you are going to overcome.

2. Control negative talk . Do you know what we mean by this expression? They are those thoughts that assail us and that dominate us at all times. They are phrases such as “you will not be able to”, “that is not for you”, “you do not know”, “you do not deserve”, “this is going to overcome you …”. Eliminate these thoughts, put up a barrier, and don’t listen to them. It’s just noise.

3. Build positive affirmations .  If you want, you can use a notebook to rearrange ideas. It’s just about telling ourselves affirmations that offer us confidence, motivation, and energy. “I’m going to be able to handle this”, “I deserve to be happy and nothing is going to be able to do with me.”

Is not difficult. We assure you that orienting our life towards the good side of things is, sometimes, not only recommended, but necessary. Try every day to talk about your joys.  You will notice how, little by little, many walls are broken and you feel full, happy.

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