Olive Oil And Grapefruit Remedy To Cleanse The Liver

It is convenient to cleanse the liver regularly so that it does not accumulate excess toxins. Both grapefruit and olive oil can help us restore its functions.

Due to its multiple functions in the body, the liver plays a very important role for health. Every minute it receives more than a liter of blood and, through complex processes, filters it to get rid of the toxins that circulate through it.

However, in addition to these functions, this organ intervenes in tasks such as the synthesis and storage of nutrients, hormonal regulation and the destruction of viruses and bacteria.

However, as a consequence of the modern lifestyle, poor eating habits and alcohol consumption, your health is compromised and triggers a series of negative reactions throughout the body.

Therefore, it is very important to learn how to detoxify it and provide it with the proper nutrients to strengthen each of its functions.

One of the ways to achieve this is to combine olive oil with grapefruit, two ingredients with anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties.

Below we give you in detail its main benefits and how to use them as a cleaning method.

Cleansing the liver and gallbladder with grapefruit and olive oil

Cleaning both the liver and the gallbladder is a therapeutic method that allows them to maintain their functions at their optimal level.

The key to maintaining good liver health is eating a healthy diet, drinking water, and exercising. However, as a complement, you can consume a mixture of olive oil with grapefruit to support your purification processes.

Properties of olive oil

Benefits of olive oil

Considered the healthiest fat, olive oil has a powerful antioxidant and cleansing action that protects the health of the liver. Its essential fatty acids help regulate cholesterol levels, among other things.

Thanks to its contribution of vitamin E and essential minerals, it serves to protect against oxidative damage caused by free radicals and continuous exposure to polluted environments. Its main nutrients include:

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega 3)
  • Protein
  • Minerals (iron, sodium, potassium)
  • Vitamins (A, B complex, E)

Grapefruit properties

Pink grapefruit

While not the most popular citrus fruit, grapefruit has a wide variety of nutrients that are worth taking advantage of.

Its caloric intake is very low and, instead, it provides us with large amounts of vitamin C, beta-carotene and bioflavonoids that strengthen the defenses and support detoxification.

Its natural juice is attributed slimming properties, since it activates the production of enzymes in the liver for the correct digestion of fats.

Its antioxidants stop the cellular damage generated by reactive oxygen species and prevent the formation of tumors. This fruit is also a source of:

  • Protein
  • Fiber
  • Minerals (iron, calcium, potassium, iodine, zinc)
  • Vitamins (A, from complex B, C, E)

How to clean with olive oil and grapefruit?

Liver and gallbladder cleaning

The detoxification formula with these two ingredients is very easy to carry out but it only gives good results when accompanied with a balanced diet and reduced in industrial foods. During cleaning days, you should avoid the consumption of dairy products, sugars, red meat and canned foods.


  • ½ red grapefruit
  • ¼ small lemon
  • 1 small garlic clove, grated
  • 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (32 g)


    • Cut the half grapefruit into two pieces and keep its peel.
    • Do the same with the lemon and then put all the ingredients in the blender, including the olive oil and garlic.
    • Process everything for a few seconds at low speed, until you get a thick paste.
    • Let it marinate for an hour and consume it diluted in water.

    How to use

    • To cleanse the liver with this remedy you only have to take it for three days in a row.
    • Consume it on an empty stomach and before going to sleep.
    • The rest of the day, try to ingest between 6 and 8 glasses of water, in addition to fruits rich in antioxidants.

    Follow the recommendations to carry out this cleansing method and discover the benefits of having a toxin-free liver. You can repeat this treatment every 6 months, or sooner, if you consider it necessary.

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