Learning To Live, That’s What It’s All About

To learn to live there is no instruction manual. For this reason, he matures through stumbles, mistakes and mistakes, while trying to acquire new teachings along the way. However, this can often be very difficult. The blows hurt, the wounds sting, and sometimes you are afraid to try again.

However, don’t let panic take over your vital choices. Staying in the comfort zone for fear of getting hurt is a mistake that, in the long run, will cause great frustration in the person. Therefore, below we are going to provide you with 3 basic rules to help you, as far as possible, to achieve that goal. Take note!

3 fundamental rules to learn to live well

Fundamental rules for living well.

1. Learning to live implies accepting

Throughout life there is something that is really difficult: accepting a situation that has not been chosen. This, in many situations, such as those related to the loss of another person, is complicated and causes a lot of suffering. However, it is necessary to mature and emerge stronger. Thus, little by little, it is how you learn to manage emotions and go through the grieving process, whatever type it may be.

In the same way, acceptance also refers to that related to others and yourself. Learn to tolerate the human being with his virtues and his defects, without mythologizing and without expecting anything in return, although sometimes one takes blows in the process.

Keep in mind that disappointments are also necessary. They teach you to value yourself and take yourself into account, on the one hand, and to identify the right people, on the other. You will discover who are your true friends and who were, simply, occupying a useless place in your heart.

2. Tomorrow will be another day

You have to be aware that life will not always be bright and full of joy, but will also have its moments of darkness. Of course, learning to live implies knowing how to give each thing its proper importance. 

Surely, there are many times when, when you look back, you think it was not so bad! However, at that time, it was being an unprecedented tragedy for you. Therefore, it is important to learn to see life in perspective. Most of the time, you worry about unimportant things, which you then value when something really bad happens. Don’t wait for this to happen to you.

Look at life with optimism and positivity, even if you do it realistically. Thus, you will realize that life circumstances are a range of grays, not a static combination of black and white.

3. Enjoy and value what you have

Another fundamental rule to learn to live well is knowing how to enjoy  the moment and value all the good things in your life. Time passes quickly, so don’t waste your days on unworthy people or imaginary problems.

Try to enjoy every little moment, either alone or with the people you love. These memories will be stored in your memory and, when you need them in sadder times, they will be at your disposal.

Stop thinking about what the world wants from you, and let your hair down a bit. Dare to be happy regardless of what others may think. This does not mean that you put aside your obligations, but that you try to dedicate a moment to yourself every day, no matter how small. You will notice how you feel much better and how your spirits skyrocket.

Do things that you like and that make you feel good. Pamper yourself, take care of yourself and treat yourself with the same love and kindness with which you usually treat others.

Learning to live is complicated, but it is worth going through it

As you have seen, learning to live is complicated, but it is always worth it. However, as it is a constant process, it is important that you follow this maxim: ” happiness is not a goal, it is a lifestyle.” Do not wait for tomorrow or next year to fight for your happiness.

Do not be afraid to be wrong, because from mistakes come the great teachings. Each slip will make you wiser and teach you to focus on the things that are really worthwhile.

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