Tips For Choosing Clothes To Exercise

We must take into account the type of exercise that we are going to practice in order to choose a suitable clothing that does not prevent us from performing the necessary movements

In addition to footwear, which is very important for training, we must also choose the correct clothing to exercise. It is not about fashion but about comfort, and above all about having garments according to the discipline and the time of year.

Find out more in this article.

How to choose clothes for exercise?

Each routine requires your technique… and also your clothes. It is true that we can combine various disciplines without having a closet full of specific garments.

However, of course running outdoors is not the same as doing yoga at home or doing crossfit.

Basically, we would have to remember three words when buying exercise clothes: functionality, comfort and durability.

Next would be the appearance factor and, of course, price and quality should not be neglected.

  • Before buying it is essential to be clear about the exercise to be carried out. For example, loose pants are not suitable for riding a bicycle because it can cause accidents.
  • A garment that is too tight does not allow the flexibility and freedom of movement needed in a Yoga or Zumba class.

Once we have that in mind, the next step would be to determine the measure that best suits our body. There are clothing that is perhaps smaller in size but stretches enough to fulfill its function.

Currently there is a wide variety of models and fabrics with which sportswear are made that are very light and allow proper perspiration.

However, this “range” of possibilities can also make us miss a bit of the objective. Therefore, it is recommended not to confuse comfort with vanity.

It is true that appearance is very important and necessary for motivation. But on the other hand, we will not be exercising well with a garment that fits too much or that is too loose to hide our figure.

Exercise clothing: fabrics, capes and pockets


Today the sports fashion industry (to call it somehow) is going quite strong. Options designed for professional athletes as well as amateurs are offered .

Therefore, when buying exercise clothes, many times we do not know what to choose.

There are disciplines or routines that make us perspire more. It is not the same if we exercise outdoors or in a gym, as well as whether it is winter or summer. In any case, it is very important that the body has sufficient ventilation and is kept as dry as possible.

It is recommended to avoid cotton garments for high performance activities because they do not allow too much perspiration. They also get wet with sweat and become more annoying and heavy. This does not happen with synthetic materials such as polyester and nylon, which expel water.

You can also choose shirts with new manufacturing technologies to control body temperature. Try to get clothes that also dry fast, last long, and are antibacterial.

A tip that comes in handy before choosing exercise clothes is to use the “layering” system. Especially in winter or if we do sports in the morning or at night. It includes wearing a jacket and long pants that can later be “dismounted” or put on  shorts.

Finally, we cannot forget that several people, at the end of their routine, return to their home or to their daily activities without changing their clothes.

This is not entirely recommended but, in case you don’t want to take a shower at the gym, you should get a waterproof jacket with several pockets to store your belongings and not worry about being all sweaty.

More tips for buying exercise clothes

When we think of someone exercising, we imagine them wearing certain clothes such as dark tights and sports tops. However, it is not necessary that you also dress that way if you do not feel comfortable or if the discipline does not require it.

Best of all, nowadays we can look good while we exercise, combine clothes and choose colors according to the time of year. Pay attention to these tips for getting good exercise clothes:

1. Pants


Leggings or tights are the most suitable for most disciplines, because they allow greater mobility, flexibility and comfort.

Of course there are some more suitable for certain exercises:

  • For example, the “capri” (up to below the knees). They are excellent for cycling or spinning because we will not have problems of the bottom catching with any part of the bicycle.
  • If you do crossfit, boxing or some high intensity activity you can opt for leggings shorts . They won’t bother you at all.

    2. Colors

    Dark tones hide those areas of the body that we do not like and, in addition, “refine the figure.”

    However, it is not a matter of wearing all black to the gym or dying of heat in the summer if we are active outdoors.

    • You can always buy a black pants or shirt with some detail in another more striking or strident color.

    3. T-shirt or top


    It is a very common question in women, since the tops are quite comfortable but, at the same time, they “show” more than they should.

    In some gyms it is forbidden to exercise only with that garment. The t-shirt is also recommended to prevent the belly from getting cold at the end of the routine, especially if when leaving we do not change or wear a jacket.

    4. Footwear

    Finally, it is essential to have sports shoes according to the activity. Every season, brands launch new models, so you will have several options to choose from. For example, in the case of jogging, there is a new trend in sports shoes called “minimalist”. This type of footwear resembles the shape of the foot and is capable of providing us with natural support, similar to when we run barefoot. Thus, the foot rests on the middle and front part, unlike the support with the heel that occurs with traditional sports shoes.

    It is convenient to find out and consult which is the best footwear according to the exercise to be carried out.

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