How To Delay The Appearance Of Facial Hair With Oatmeal And Lemon

As long as there is no underlying hormonal problem or some other cause that warrants specialized treatment and regular control, it can be put into practice some homemade techniques, like the one we are going to discuss next.

The appearance of facial hair in women is not usually welcome. Hair is often associated with an unkempt and even masculine appearance, among other prejudices. Therefore, many seek to eliminate it completely or, at least, disguise it through various techniques.

Facial hair is an aesthetic problem that does not appear in the same way in all cases. Thus, there are women who suffer it to a greater extent, while others hardly present a slight shadow in certain areas.

Why do women have facial hair?

Woman with excess facial hair shaving

The appearance of facial hair in women is quite common, especially above the upper lip. However, many also appear on the chin or even in other areas of the face, such as the cheeks.  It is always advisable to visit the dermatologist to analyze the case.

Those responsible for the appearance of facial hair and also in other unwanted parts of the body (around the nipples or the navel, for example) would be male hormones or androgens, according to data provided by the National Library of Medicine of the United States.

One possible cause is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). For this reason, it is essential to take into account the possibility that it is a symptom of other endocrine disorders.

In case of suffering some imbalance of this type, it would be possible that the woman exhibited other symptoms. The most frequent are usually acne, menstrual irregularities, diabetes or difficulty losing weight despite dieting.

Techniques to remove facial hair

Although it is true that the solution for the most extreme cases is usually laser treatment, specialists recognize that many times it is not necessary to resort to it.

In this sense, another well-known technique could be used: hot waxing. Now, it should be noted that this should always be done by a professional so as not to damage the skin.

Depending on the amount of facial hair and the time it takes to reappear, the different hair removal sessions would be scheduled. It is important to respect them and, during the wait, not to use razors, blades and the like to try to remove the hair.

Those women who have very sensitive skin should be even more careful. Therefore, it is essential that you follow your dermatologist’s instructions to the letter.

A homemade depilatory wax

If you want to prepare a natural and homemade depilatory wax, you can follow the instructions below. However, remember that you must be careful with the temperature of use to avoid burns.

In this case, you will use only three ingredients: oatmeal, lemon, and sugar. Basically, this is sugaring, a very widespread natural hair removal technique.

Don’t worry if you don’t have paper bands, with this wax you don’t have to resort to them. In fact, true sugaring is done by using your hands to spread the homemade wax and remove it.


Oatmeal for facial hair

Oatmeal is one of the healthiest and most nutritious cereals. At the topical level, a study entitled Oatmeal in dermatology: a brief review concluded that it has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.

These two properties would contribute to the beauty of the skin on the one hand and avoid inflammation caused by pulling when removing the wax. Thus, the skin would be soft and luminous.

On the other hand, the texture of this cereal combines wonderfully with sugar and lemon juice. By mixing the last two ingredients, a grainy paste is obtained that would help exfoliate the skin, without damaging it. Then, the oatmeal would act as a skin protector and alleviate possible discomfort.

The lemon

Various in vitro and in vivo investigations have concluded that lemon has anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, it could be a good option to protect the delicate skin of the face from the pulls caused by removing the wax.

On the other hand, the British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology determined that lemon has antimicrobial activities. In addition, it is believed that its enzymes would help exfoliate the skin, while its vitamin C content would promote collagen production. These beliefs have no scientific basis.

Preparation of the remedy

lemon juice and lemons


  • 1 tablespoon of oatmeal (10 g).
  • 2 cups of sugar (200 g).
  • 10 drops of lemon juice.
  • Water (required amount).


  • In a saucepan over medium heat, add the sugar, honey and a little water. Once it begins to turn into caramel, add the drops of lemon juice.
  • You should get a sticky, grainy paste.
  • Separately, take the oatmeal or grind the flakes.
  • Place this oatmeal in a bowl with a little hot water and mix until you get a paste.

How to use

  • Apply the wax (not too hot) on the hairy area.
  • Let it act for about 2 minutes.
  • Take the spatula and, away from the hair, remove the wax.
  • Now apply the oatmeal and leave it on the skin for about 5 minutes. It would act as a moisturizer and skin softener.

How to take care of your skin?

To avoid damaging the skin, the application of the wax should not be repeated on the same point, several times in a row. Before trying to remove the hair from somewhere, it would be preferable to let the skin rest and try it the next day.

People with very dry or sensitive skin should use lemon juice with caution. Afterwards, they should hydrate the skin well to avoid irritation and redness.

To avoid the appearance of spots, it would be extremely important to carry out this treatment at night and rinse your face and hands well once the process is finished. In case of not obtaining the desired results, it is recommended to go to the dermatologist.

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