How To Prevent Snoring

Despite not being a disease, snoring can indicate some kind of problem. Watch for overweight and try to sleep on your side to promote breathing.

Snoring occurs when something makes it difficult for air to pass through the back of your mouth and nose. It is not a disease nor does it pose an imminent danger to health, but it can affect the quality of sleep. In this article we explain how to prevent snoring so that it does not interrupt your rest.

Recommendations to reduce and prevent snoring

We give you some simple and easy-to-follow tips that will improve your night’s sleep.

  • Avoid alcohol, coffee and large dinners before going to sleep. Alcohol relaxes the throat muscles and promotes snoring .  Having a full stomach will push the diaphragm up, making it difficult to breathe and also promoting snoring.
  • Sleeping on your side. When sleeping on your back your tongue falls back and makes breathing difficult. One of the easiest tricks to learn to sleep on your side is to sew a tennis ball on the back of your pajamas, trying to sleep on your back is uncomfortable and makes you adopt a side position.
  • Avoid being overweight.  Both obesity and being overweight increase the chances of snoring, since the body weighs more and makes it difficult for air to pass through the airways.
  • Elevate the head of the bed.  To achieve this, more pillows can be used. This makes it easier for the air ducts to remain open.

Home remedies to combat snoring

Gargle with peppermint or spearmint

peppermint to prevent snoring

Peppermint is very effective in combating snoring when it is due to colds or allergies. To do this, simply add a drop of peppermint essential oil to a glass of cold water and gargle with the mixture.

Lemon and honey

Lemon and honey to prevent snoring

Lemon juice and honey are the ideal ally to prevent snoring.  Helps reduce mucus that clogs the airways, making it easier to breathe. To prepare this remedy, simply squeeze a lemon into a glass and add three tablespoons of honey to it. Mix both ingredients well and take it before going to sleep.

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