Did You Know That Running 1 Hour A Day Lengthens Your Life?

In addition to helping us relax, running also improves circulation at a general level throughout the body, so its benefits also redound globally

Exercising is great for our health. In addition to that, running 1 hour a day can improve and extend your life. What are you waiting for to go out and run a few kilometers?

The benefits of running

Running is more fashionable than ever. Surely you have seen many people running through the park or participating in popular tests, and if they do it, it is for something. Running is an important benefit for our physical fitness. According to research published in the National Institute of Health of the United States, runners reduce the possibility of premature death by between 25 and 40%.

In that study it is stated that running 1 hour per day is equivalent to living 7 hours longer. If we do the math, a person who runs from Monday to Saturday in a month will have 168 hours more to live or, what is the same, one more week of existence, if he stays in that habit for a whole year, he will live 12 more weeks . The equation is simple: 1 more week of life for each month that is run for 1 hour from Monday to Saturday.

Running is a great ally for your health

When comparing the life expectancy of a runner and a non-runner, the latter live up to 3 years less than the former. And best of all, the pace, speed or distance covered in each workout doesn’t matter. This is not to say that running is the elixir of youth, because we all grow old at some point. However, we must bear in mind that this habit can be beneficial to our health in the long term.

Another interesting finding from this research is that the benefits of running are not the same as biking or walking.  Of course, in order to receive the benefits of running, we must eat a balanced and healthy diet and avoid harmful habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol. The benefits of exercise are many and more and more are being discovered, although it is still not known for sure how much and what type of sport is better to extend life expectancy.

Of course, everything depends on several aspects such as, for example, if we exercise lightly, moderately or intensely, how old we are, our state of health, etc.

What are the benefits of running?

In addition to extending life expectancy, running has many advantages. From losing weight to increasing endurance to increased agility and flexibility, here are the benefits of running:

1. Improved joints

Although it was believed that running was bad for the knees and that it used to wear down the cartilage due to the continuous friction, the truth is that the effect would be completely opposite. People who run regularly have a lower risk of arthritis in the lower joints.

2. May increase pain threshold

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People who make running several times a week can withstand the pain better than those who do not run. Not only in terms of injuries or blows to the legs, but also to other parts of the body. For example, things like a shot from a vaccine will no longer be the same.

3. Improves the skin

soft skin

Running allows us to eliminate many toxins through perspiration. In addition, it forces us to hydrate more frequently, due to the demand of exercise. This is ideal to have a healthier and younger skin, since by drinking frequently we are providing this organ with its recommended amount of liquid. Don’t forget your water bottle when you go out!

4. Regenerates muscles

swimming vs running

Running not only has benefits for cartilage, but also for muscles. Until now it was thought that muscle mass was lost after a certain age. However, people who make running can generate new because exercise accelerates the production of cells responsible for this task. Therefore, running could be associated with a delay in muscle degeneration due to age.

5. Relax

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When we finish running we feel very tired, but also happy and calm. Running is a liberation that allows us to forget many worries. If you’ve had a difficult day at the office or are nervous for any reason, the best thing to do is to run.

6. Strengthens the bones

If we include medium or high intensity exercises in the routine, we will increase bone density. Therefore, we will reduce the chances of suffering a fracture or the much dreaded osteoporosis in old age. Your bones will be stronger and more solid if you run an hour a day.

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