Self-knowledge Can Be Synonymous With Happiness

People who achieve self-knowledge know that perfection is not always possible and therefore they are capable of being happier, because they set realistic goals

Self-knowledge is a key. It is that sensational tool from which to open the lock of our personality and the door to our strengths, virtues, needs and potentials.

If we favor this dimension, we will rise as architects of our life. Achieving it requires time and adequate psychological strategies, it also implies properly managing emotions and carrying out certain actions to get closer to ourselves.

We explain it to you below.

The concept of happiness

happy woman symbolizing self-knowledge

Among the definitions of happiness is the one that praises an adequate  state of well-being, personal satisfaction and fulfillment.

In this state, the person feels great, full and capable of facing any situation. Carl Rogers was one of the best references in psychology to understand the link between happiness and self-knowledge.

In fact, one of the purposes of the humanistic approach is to help the individual to know himself, to build a life without congruences, without edges or excessive weights where we cannot stand before the world as we are and want.

Self-knowledge for happiness

  • Experts agree that one of the most important keys to being happy is full self-knowledge. One such reference theory is undoubtedly Abraham Maslow and his proposal of human needs.
  • So is personal awareness, that exercise that allows us to make contact with the identity, values, resources and capacities that each person has.

The key to being happy through self-knowledge

In the first step would be the awareness that we are the owners of our lives. In this way, we will assimilate that we are living miracles and that we are part of a dynamic nature, full of abundance and possibilities to grow.

We have to observe our thoughts, witness them, the emotions and results.

Let’s not get too judgmental, accepting every feeling, thought and emotion is key to accepting who we are.

The thoughts always in your favor

The mind can be our worst enemy. Often times, we fall into those cycles where negative thoughts completely cloud our reality and our vision of ourselves.

In fact, a study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology and carried out at New York University and Carnegie Mellon University indicates that we must be able to detect this type of approach in order to better face the future.

If negativity always accompanies me, I will limit my power and my ability to improve myself and achieve goals. Therefore, the key is happiness is above all absence of fear. So let’s work on our mental focus and the quality of our own thoughts.

That is, instead of focusing on fears and enlarging them, it is worth connecting with optimism, with our virtues and potentials.

Some actions that help self-knowledge

happy woman symbolizing self-knowledge

It is proven that managing, controlling and managing our emotions brings us closer to happiness. Our happiness can be measured through the interpretation of what happens to us.

Things are always happening to us, some sadder, others happier, but the most important thing is not what happens to us, but how we interpret it.

This interpretation is influenced by factors such as the management of emotions, the way we know ourselves and manage our reality, the environment that surrounds us. And, above all, our reactions.

Get happiness

Happiness is not doing what you want at all times, but wanting what you do. That every day we try to enjoy the circumstances with which we have to live.

You have to understand that well-being is not synonymous with happiness, but that happiness is an attitude towards what we do.

Sometimes we are happy remembering events we have enjoyed in the past. That memory is proven to change brain chemistry.

The key to our happiness begins to irrigate our brain with positive memories. In this way, just remembering happy events can change our mood thanks to the secretion of serotonin.

The motivation

It is important to get up in the morning with a goal.  It doesn’t matter if it’s big or small, but for a reason, our days can be different.

Negative thoughts change our internal world. Therefore, managing our emotions, living in the here and now fills us with optimism and generates positive thoughts.

These positive thoughts will help us to secrete the endorphins necessary to modify our health and our environment. In addition, it improves life as a couple.

Some necessary words

happy-couple symbolizing self-knowledge

Among the words that are going to change our perception of life the most are these:  please, thank you and sorry . Through our language we manifest ourselves to the world and we predispose ourselves to face our day.

  • Please open the way for us to interact with the other person.
  • Thanks supposes gratitude, which is the memory of the heart.
  • Forgiveness serves us as therapy, understanding the circumstances we go through, forgiving ourselves and our fellow human beings.

Tips for self-knowledge

  • Keep a journal. Try to write daily what you feel, what you think, what you need. Little by little you will become fully aware of that internal universe that you must unravel and make yours.
  • Avoid exaggerated self-criticism and permanent perfectionism. Hyperperfectionist people have dissatisfaction, and that generates negativity.
  • It is proven that dissatisfied people get sick more often and have more migraines than those who accept situations. Invest for so long in activities that motivate you, that you are passionate about.
  • It is important to promote a positive internal dialogue with ourselves.
  • They say that in order to be happy we must be willing to fail in order to realize what is important and what is superfluous.


Self-knowledge is a journey that we must travel on a daily basis. It is not something that we should postpone until tomorrow, because otherwise, we will go on a drift where we allow ourselves to be carried away by what others want or expect of us.

Take the reins, have a coffee with yourself every day and do not be afraid to spend moments alone to touch your inner being. Talk to that person who is reflected in the mirror every day and love them as the most valuable and special being in your world.

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