8 Practical Tips To Detoxify The Home

Detoxifying the home on a regular basis is one of the best prevention measures to ward off allergies and diseases that are caused by the accumulation of toxins in the environment.

However, a wide range of chemical products would contain particles that are harmful to health and that, in the long term, are a potential cause of various pathologies that can affect the members of the house.

Therefore, although daily cleaning is one of the most common ways to reduce the presence of harmful materials accumulated in each of the spaces of the home, other types of measures and habits are required to guarantee a safer and more purified place. Do you know them?

Tips for detoxifying the home

1. Check the product labels

Check product labels

One of the 2015 Occupational Risk Prevention Archives already warned about the importance of distinguishing well the symbols of the chemicals used by cleaning workers. Therefore, the first step to detoxify the home in a healthy way is to read the labels of the products you are going to use.

The compounds they contain often have strange names and are difficult to understand, but with the ease of accessing the Internet today, it is easier to know what they are and how harmful they can be. Investigating, writing down and keeping them in mind will prevent them from causing you health problems later.

2. Take off your shoes before entering the house

One of the Japanese customs is to leave shoes before entering the house in a place reserved for them. The reason? This reduces the amount of dust, toxins and dangerous agents inside the home.

3. Ventilate to detoxify the home

Ventilate the house frequently

Keeping the windows of the house closed will not help reduce the presence of polluting particles. In fact, this habit progressively accumulates carbon dioxide derived from respiration.

For this reason, a team of researchers from the University of Tottori in Japan advises opening windows and doors every day to allow fresh air to circulate. In addition, you can incorporate some plants in various spaces of the house to help keep the air clean and free of toxic gases.

Another interesting measure you can take to maintain adequate ventilation is to eliminate chemical air fresheners and replace them with fresh flowers or herbs.

4. Make homemade cleaners

Some organic ingredients are good alternatives to clean the home without having to resort to harsh chemicals. In fact, combining several of these can make a multipurpose product to disinfect and polish surfaces.

You can make a homemade cleaner for areas like the bathroom, kitchen, and bedrooms using apple cider vinegar, baking soda, and water.


  • 1 and ½ cups of water (375 ml).
  • ½ cup of apple cider vinegar (125 ml).
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda (20 g).
  • 1 sprayer.

What should you do?

  1. Put all the ingredients in the sprayer and shake it before using.
  2. Spray the liquid on the desired surface and remove the excess with a clean cloth.

5. Clean the dust to detoxify the home


To detoxify the house it is important to dust every day. It may contain phthalates (toxic substances derived from disinfectants or pesticides and whose effects on the body are dangerous).

The risks of these pollutants have been addressed in a proposal written by members of the Spanish Society of Public Health and Health Administration (SESPAS) to the health authorities. Likewise, scientists demand that they be taken into account for the protection, above all, of children and pregnant women.

For this reason, if you want to help keep spaces in your home safer, use a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth to remove dust daily.

6. Wash your hands before eating

This custom is the best way to eliminate the substances that accumulate in the hands from touching different surfaces. Washing your hands several times a day reduces bacteria and toxic residues, such as dust or chemicals.

7. Be careful when choosing paintings

The colors give life to the home and reflect the personality of each one. However, when decorating the walls, try to choose a paint with less toxic compounds.

The pigments that compose them, according to the following article published in 2019 by the Francisco José de Caldas District University, can cause respiratory conditions (asthma or eczema) and different problems, both blood and skin.

8. Eliminate mold to detoxify the home

moldy walls

Experts admit that mold can also be a cause of respiratory problems, sore throats, and skin irritations.

For this reason, when it appears on surfaces, you must remove it so that it does not cause this type of difficulties. Daily ventilation and constant cleaning will be essential to prevent it from appearing.

After putting all these recommendations into practice, you will be able to verify that the house has a more renewed and clean environment. Natural alternatives and good habits are easy ways to detoxify the home and prevent different types of conditions. And you? Are you ready to put all these tips into practice?

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