How To Show Interest In Reading To A Child

To have reading children you have to be reading parents. Nothing will work better than example to instill an interest in reading. Teaching children the pleasure of reading involves several things.

On the one hand, that they can enjoy both individual reading and an opportunity to learn and be entertained. And also for the options it offers to share moments of meeting and exchanges with others.

Reading a single book can mark a child and make him a fan of an author or genre forever. Reading is a habit that is cultivated from an early age, when children are just learning to speak and parents sit down to read a story to them.

How to awaken the interest of reading in your child?

Girl lying on the couch reads a book.

We can start reading to our son from the moment he is in the womb. Listening to the tone and intonation that we give to the reading will be a form of communication with the mother and the beginning of a fascinating habit.

Once they are born, you can find books dedicated to babies. The large drawings and vibrant colors of these types of books are his first approach to books. From the first year of life you can begin to read children’s stories according to their age.

To awaken the child’s interest in reading, begin by reading daily. That bedtime reading routine can be one of the most enjoyable moments in any of our fast-paced days. However, we must insist a little more. We tell you how to do it below.

1. Read aloud to your child

Children love to be read to. It is a great practice to encourage not only the love of reading, but also to enrich the language. Surely, there will be books that you will read over and over again. Even if it seems boring to read the same thing again, we assure you that your child will continue to enjoy it like the first day.

2. Leave books in plain sight

There must be books within easy reach of your child. In their room, next to your bed, take them when you go on vacation or when you travel in the subway or subway, there should always be one or more books that can be taken and read, even for a few minutes at a time. You can also create a reading corner at home.

3. Keep reading even when they already read

Even if the child learns to read, he will still love that you keep reading to him. It is one of those unforgettable moments when they are close and share. Children relax and listen to you. They learn that books contain magical moments that are worth sharing as a family.

Boy sitting on the bed surrounded by soft toys reads a children's story.

4. Take advantage of the books taken to the movies

There are many movies or television series that are inspired by books. After watching the movie, go back to the book to find out together how they recreated the scenes or the story, or what is in the book but not in the movie. They can also do the exercise in reverse. After reading the book first, you can search for the movie.

5. Look for new books

Include visits to bookstores and libraries among family outings for the week. Second-hand bookstores can hide great treasures that are worth finding. Take home not just the books you will read together. He should also see that you will carry books for yourself.

6. Interact with technology

Devices like  Kindle , Nook or iPad  can be your allies to promote interest in reading. The electronic format is very attractive to children or those reluctant to read. However, while interactive books are attractive, they can inhibit reading comprehension. Use the resource, but without forgetting the usual printed books.

7. It is worth reading everything

The variety of titles and topics arouses interest. Although children’s stories dominate preferences, they can also read other books: educational or informational. If your child likes pirates, dinosaurs, or planets, look for books on those topics. The classics or comics are good options for children.

8. Participate in events to promote reading

Surely in your locality there are bookstores that organize days of reading stories. Take your children to enjoy reading other people do. Attend book fairs, they are great opportunities to find a variety of books and prices. They also allow the meeting with the authors, which is another way of approaching books.

Father reading a book to his daughter.

Reading: a family habit

As we said at the beginning of this publication: to have a child who likes to read, you have to see their parents enjoy reading. Children learn what they see and stimulating interest in reading does not escape it.

Enjoy reading with your children. Today you read the stories, tomorrow they can exchange novels and enjoy a pleasant afternoon commenting on it. The value you give to the habit of reading within the family will be the greatest stimulator of the taste for reading.

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