Natural Remedies To Control Hypertension

High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the most frequent cardiovascular problems among the population worldwide. Generally, patients are not aware that they have it until they go for medical check-ups. That is why this disease is known as the “silent killer.”

According to data from the World Health Organization published in September 2015, ” globally, more than one in five adults has high blood pressure, a disorder that causes about half of all deaths from stroke or heart disease” . Therefore, the high rate of diagnoses becomes an alert.

As soon as the diagnosis is obtained, it is necessary to follow all the doctor’s instructions and learn more about the disease. Being aware of the risks posed by poor management of hypertension will be one of the first measures to avoid exposing yourself to them.

Find out what are the normal values ​​of blood pressure 

Natural Products That May Help Control Pressure

There are meal plans to lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels. This reduces the risk of developing heart disease.

This diet focuses on:

  • Eat vegetables, fruits and whole grains, low-fat or fat-free dairy products, fish, nuts, and vegetable oils
  • Avoid foods high in saturated fat, such as fatty meats, whole dairy products, sugary drinks, and sweets.

Here are some suggestions for foods that may help control high blood pressure.

Raw almonds

Almond mask

A handful of raw almonds every day, a suitable serving of olive oil in some dishes, and oily fish can be very beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Omega 3 fatty acids help lower cholesterol levels and in turn contribute to heart function. They are present in various foods, such as those mentioned here. Sources of this group of fatty acids can also be found in flaxseeds, chia seeds, black walnuts, and canola oil.

Discover: Fats are essential in our diet


Valued for its high content of fiber and essential nutrients, oatmeal is another food that may contribute to lowering high blood pressure.

It is estimated that regular consumption of oats could reduce cholesterol levels by up to 5%. It is this starting point that makes it recommended to include this cereal in a responsible and balanced diet.


Although more needs to be done, some research in mice suggests that turmeric could be a positive ingredient for health and that it should perhaps be consumed more frequently.

According to the researchers, it has an antioxidant action and an anti-inflammatory effect, which could be beneficial in case of high blood pressure or other cardiovascular problems.

The key is believed to be curcumin, its active compound. And when combined with black pepper it can have a vasodilator effect, which would be ideal for improving circulation and keeping arterial walls clean.

Some evidence suggests that it would also act as a natural blood thinner, helping to regulate blood flow.

Lemon and parsley smoothie

Parsley and celery smoothie

Although this smoothie is a home remedy, popular belief considers it a dietary support. Since the ingredients in are rich in water, they could stimulate urination and thus help lower blood pressure.

Lemon and parsley contain nutrients that would facilitate the elimination of fluids and excess sodium associated with high blood pressure.

It is recommended to take a lemon, a bunch of parsley and a glass of water. Then, cut the lemon and process all the ingredients in the blender for a few seconds. Finally pass the liquid through a strainer, serve to taste and drink it.


This fruit is consumed in various countries of the world. It is rich in fiber and potassium, a mineral that helps control blood pressure, as well as support muscle function.

Consuming a piece of banana regularly could help satiate your appetite and also regulate blood pressure. However, it must be borne in mind that it will always be necessary to maintain other good habits of life. 

Lemon juice

Drinking lemon juice will not regulate blood pressure, on its own. However, experts from the Spanish Heart Foundation point out that when it is used to replace salt in the preparations of some meals, it can be useful for this purpose.

Prevent hypertension

Remember that  hypertension is the most important preventable cause of cardiovascular disease and stroke in the world. This means that by controlling your hypertension, you will reduce your risks of suffering from complex cardiovascular and neurological conditions.

It is possible, and in fact, it can contribute to lower blood pressure through a proper diet plan and the improvement of certain lifestyle habits. 

Exercising daily, eating healthy and avoiding tobacco and alcohol consumption will be some of the basic measures that all patients should follow.

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