5 Symptoms Of A Lack Of Vitamins That Can Be Read On The Face

The lack of vitamins in our body will show through our face with a series of symptoms that you can surely detect. If you think you have a better appearance, pay attention to these signs, because maybe your face is speaking to you.

With a correct and balanced diet, it is most likely that you will never suffer any of these symptoms or problems. However, if you suspect that it may be your case, it is best to  increase your intake of the type of food you need according to your case. If it does not improve, see your doctor to see what the real reasons may be.

1. Very pale skin due to lack of B complex vitamins

Keep skin moisturized

If you have very pale skin and it is also not normal for you, you may have a lack of vitamin B12. When this vitamin is lacking, we feel depressed and tired.

When you have very low levels of these vitamins, there is an accumulation of an amino acid produced by the body, homocysteine. It can cause damage to the arteries or increase the risk of blocked blood vessels. This can be especially dangerous for people with circulation or heart problems.


For the amount of vitamin B12 in our body to increase, it is necessary to increase the consumption of meat and seafood in our diet.

2. Dry and brittle hair

If you have dry and very fragile hair, in addition to dandruff, you may have a lack of biotin, also known as vitamins B7 and B8. This deficit is usually common after taking antibiotics.

  • Vitamin B7 can be produced within the body itself, by intestinal bacteria.
  • You can often do this in sufficient quantity to meet your needs, although sometimes this is not the case.


    To increase the level of these vitamins you will have to increase your consumption of:

    • Meat
    • Fish
    • Vegetables
    • Fruit
    • Mushrooms
    • Vegetables

    In the event that you are doing diets you will have to leave them parked for a while. Likewise, omega 3 fatty acids can also be of great help in this regard. These favor the production of elastin, so they prevent dryness of the hair and give it a greater shine.

    It is a fatty acid that is also involved in the formation of the retina, and therefore, is good for eye health and is also involved in the proper functioning of the immune system. To ensure good amounts of omega 3, increase your intake of nuts and oily fish.

    3. Puffy eyes

    Dark circles vitamins

    If you notice that your eyes are swollen, as well as your limbs, you may have an iodine deficiency. Iodine is a mineral that acts as a constituent of thyroid hormones that allow metabolic reactions to take place at the right time.


    Increase the consumption of foods rich in this mineral, such as:

    • Seafood (lobsters, shrimp)
    • Algae
    • Dairy products
    • Bread
    • Iodized salt

    4. Pale lips

    If you have pale lips, you may be deficient in iron, which is commonly known as anemia. In addition, you can also see this if you catch a cold frequently and have low blood pressure.

    However, the most frequent symptom when there is a lack of iron that leads to anemia is fatigue. Anemia occurs when there is not enough hemoglobin in the blood.

    Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein that is inside red blood cells and carries oxygen throughout the body.


    Compensate for the lack of iron by eating more red meat and temporarily avoiding foods high in calcium. Calcium can make it harder to absorb iron and reduce its benefits.

    5. Bleeding in the gums

    Tooth decay

    If your gums bleed a lot, you may have a vitamin C deficiency. Be especially careful with this, as it can end up leading to a weakened immune system. It can also cause:

    • Pain in muscles and bones
    • Tooth problems


    • Remember that vitamin C is present in citrus fruits and red peppers, among other foods, so do not hesitate to eat them daily.
    • Dairy products are also beneficial, as they help reduce the levels of acids that are harmful to the mouth.

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