The Dangers Of Eating In Front Of The Television

If we eat while watching television, we are not aware of the amounts we eat, so we run the risk of overeating

Did you know that eating in front of the television has harmful effects on your health? In the vast majority of houses, the television is in the dining room, in front of the table where the family dines. It is also common for adults to have lunch in front of the computer, so as not to “waste time” and continue working.

These two customs so deeply ingrained in today’s society have very bad consequences for our health in different areas. Find out what these dangers are in the following article.

Harmful effects of eating in front of the TV

For the kids

For starters, children are the hardest hit by eating in front of the television. As a first measure, it causes overweight, as several studies on the subject claim.

These little ones are more likely to consume fat and sugar, therefore calories. Furthermore, they do not realize when they are satisfied that they are paying attention to the “silly box,” as television is often called. There is no doubt that this activity contributes to suffering from weight disorders and modifying behaviors at home.

On average, children spend three to six hours in front of the television each day. It is then when they “take advantage” to make some of the following meals: breakfast, lunch, snack or dinner.

During this time , more chips, cookies, candy, soda and junk food are consumed. This undoubtedly leads to being overweight and could lead to other diseases such as cholesterol or even diabetes.

According to research author Leann Birch of the University of Pennsylvania, the problem itself is not watching television. Rather, at that time children (or people of any age) eat without realizing the quantities, the flavors, etc.

Instead of consuming junk food, it is better to eat apple, carrot, celery, popcorn without butter, natural juices, etc. And in addition to being in front of the screen, exercising daily, especially outdoors.

flavor vegetables better

As if all this were not enough, eating in front of the computer has the same detailed effects in relation to television.

To avoid all this, take your lunch break. If you’re very busy at work, cut your break to half an hour. But don’t stop eating properly. Avoid eating in front of the television and your body will thank you.

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