Are You A Visual, Kinesthetic Or Auditory Person?

As you already know, people have five senses with which we relate to the world around us: smell, taste, touch, sight and hearing. In general, each of us uses a sense or two above the others in order to interact with the environment and obtain information.

Do you want to know which one stands out in you?

And you, how do you relate to the world?

This theory was enunciated by the current of Neurolinguistic Programming, which explains that the world in which we live is perceived differently by each person. Each of us will capture it through the senses that we use most frequently according to our personality.

It is a curious perspective that is worth taking into account to get to know each other a little better. It is possible that you yourself use one of the five senses more, or maybe even two. It is also curious to know that this perspective also has to do with our cerebral predominance, that is, there are people who use the left side to a greater degree, for example, being then more inclined to use logic and have a greater obsession with order.

On the other hand, if you use the right part to a greater degree, then you are probably a more creative, flexible and innovative person. Neurolinguistic Psychology is therefore concerned with these areas in order to find out how we interpret the world around us. Do you want to know then what is your natural tendency? Let’s go there, find out if you are a visual, kinesthetic or auditory person.

1. Visual people


Tell us now what are your hobbies: Do you like crafts? Are you good at cooking? Build things with your hands? Work outdoors? Have a garden, plant, cultivate, make things grow with your hands? Are you one of those who practice any sport? So you are most likely a kinesthetic person.

NLP tells us that kinesthetic people, despite being calm, have a special taste for emotions and for everything that has to do with physical and manual things. They are one of those who like to experience things in the first person before they are told. Emphasize that its expressiveness translates into a taste for hugging, caressing, and even eating. They are close people who, in general, do not tend to have excessive interest in capturing the detail of what surrounds them, such as visuals. They are more spontaneous and less introspective or observant.

We can conclude by telling you that it is possible that you present a percentage of each dimension. It is normal, but the safest thing is that you identify in greater quantity with some of them. The visual ones are for example a little more relaxed than the auditory or kinesthetic ones. However, the kinesthetic ones are a little more restless and less reflective.

It is clear that we all have a few brushstrokes of each one, but what is interesting from the perspective of NLP is that it offers us an interesting prism of how we understand reality, and how you can perceive is intimately related to our personality, whether you are calmer or more nervous, more thoughtful or thoughtless, if you like to communicate or are more observant and somewhat introspective. Our way of being is intimately linked to our senses … to the pleasure of seeing, touching, experiencing, communicating …

So tell us, how do you communicate with the world? Are you visual, auditory, or kinesthetic?

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