Winter Routine For Oily Skin

Cold and wind have important effects on the skin, especially dryness. Why is it important to maintain a winter routine for oily skin? In this space we detail it.

There are those who think that oily skin does not require more care during cold periods, since it is assumed that these seasons only affect dry skin. They are wrong. A winter routine for oily skin is absolutely necessary to maintain freshness and freshness.

It is clear that oily skin does not behave the same as dry skin or cold sensitive skin. However, this is not to say that a winter routine is not needed to keep it hydrated and prevent it from looking dull and lifeless.

It is important to know that if a winter routine for oily skin is not carried out, a “rebound” effect could eventually occur. This means that, given the dryness of the environment, it can react by producing more fat and all the problems that this entails.

Winter and fur

Winter and fur

The cold has consequences for all skin types, since, in general, it produces a dry effect. However, oily skin can be one of the most affected in seasons of low temperature and high humidity. First, they can become more noticeable pale than other skin types.

But the worst is not this. The point is that during the winter the skin loses water and nutrients. The cold causes the capillaries to contract and this, in turn, leads to a decrease in oxygen, moisture and nutrients. Under these conditions, the volume of dead cells increases .

With many dead skin cells, it is easier for pores to become clogged. This is when the “rebound effect” can occur, which consists of an increase in blackheads and pimples on the face. For all the above, it is essential to maintain a winter routine for oily skin.

Winter routine for oily skin

A winter routine for oily skin includes several measures, mainly to oxygenate, hydrate and keep the skin protected. The following are the main actions that must be taken to have healthy skin  and avoid the rebound effect.

  • Cleanse the skin properly. Ideally, wash your face twice a day, using a facial shampoo that hopefully contains an antibacterial of natural origin. Better if it includes peppermint or tea tree extract. This removes impurities and helps seal pores.
  • Perform double cleaning. For best results, it is best to apply an oil-free lotion after washing your face. The most advisable ones are those made from witch hazel, rosemary, ivy or aloe vera.
  • Hydration is essential. Once your face is clean, it is necessary to apply a moisturizer for oily skin. These are usually cosmetic acids, like hyaluronic acid. Such products restore the natural moisture of the skin.
  • Drink water and protect yourself from the sun. It is important to drink enough water during the day and apply sunscreen daily.
  • Exfoliate. It is advisable to exfoliate twice a week to remove dead cells. It is best to use non-abrasive scrubs.

Other cares

Woman applying green tea mask to treat acne

In addition to the measures already mentioned, we can complement the winter routine for oily skin with other cares that allow us to obtain optimal results. Said cares are the following:

  • Use of masks. Masks are very convenient for refining the look of the skin, especially if it looks very dull. Those made from green tea, blue agave and calendula are highly recommended. It is appropriate to use them twice a week.
  • Peeling with salicylic acid. If the skin looks very shiny or oily, despite the care, a good option is to get a deep exfoliation with salicylic acid. It helps to remove blackheads and pimples, and it also reduces shine on the skin.
  • Use mattifying makeup. This type of makeup helps to improve the appearance of the skin and lasts longer in winter, so it is not necessary to touch it up frequently.
  • The right products. As a general rule, moisturizing gels or moisturizing gel-creams are better. Much better if they are sebum-regulating, non-comedogenic and oil-free. The correct thing is that it is the dermatologist, and not the advertising, who recommends the products to be used.

In short, taking care of oily skin in winter is as important as other types of skin. It is enough to reinforce some basic care to avoid dermatological problems during this time.

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