Orange Diet To Lose Weight And Be Healthy

The orange diet is a proposal that seeks to support weight loss. Contrary to what one might think, it does not imply the exclusive consumption of orange, but rather the inclusion of this fruit in the meals that are going to be made throughout the day.

It is believed that by consuming this natural fruit more regularly (not in juice), all the benefits of its nutrients could be obtained, among the most notable: fiber, antioxidants and vitamin C.

Below we will tell you more about it and we will tell you in more detail about the nutritional value of orange.

The main ingredient in the orange diet

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends consuming several pieces of fruit daily in order to keep the body healthy and enjoy well-being.

According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), the orange is a source of vitamin C, folates, organic acids, flavonoids and carotenoids. Therefore, it is a highly recommended fruit to complement the diet.

The orange has a characteristic flavor, between acid and sweet, a very pleasant perfumed aroma and a tone that attracts attention. For all this, it is a food widely consumed on a daily basis.


Lose weight with the help of oranges

Now if we will talk about what interests you, how to lose weight with the orange diet. You don’t have to spend a month eating only this fruit, but you do have to include a piece of this fruit in a couple of your meals (one in the morning and one in the afternoon).

The idea is to eat the piece of fruit raw, not in juice. Not even if it is freshly squeezed and has no added sugar.

Although the drink is a tasty and recommended option over industrial drinks, its regular consumption can hinder weight loss.

As the expert in chemistry and scientific communicator Deborah García Bello explains in her book ¡Que se van las vitamins! The piece of fruit not only provides all the nutrients of the fruit, but also contributes to the feeling of fullness, thus reducing the anxiety to eat. 

On the other hand, consuming a glass of orange juice does not contribute to the feeling of fullness in the same way. Also, you have to note that, to get a glass of the drink, you have to squeeze three oranges.

García adds: “the calories we ingest by drinking are the same as eating and chewing, but they do not satisfy us in the same way. That is why it is so important to take into account that not only what we eat, but how we eat it, our eating behavior ”.

Final recommendations to lose weight

Although the orange diet can help, in the beginning, to incorporate more than 2 pieces of fruit in the daily diet, you should not limit yourself to consuming only one type of fruit. Eating healthy means maintaining variety and balance.

Tropical fruits to combat fluid retention.

In addition to eating a diet according to the needs of the body and taking into account the recommendations of the doctor and the WHO, it is convenient to maintain an active lifestyle.

In relation to exercise, it is recommended that you try to comply with a routine of half an hour, two or three times a week. In addition, you can go for a walk, ride a bike, jog, take the dog for a walk, dance… It is not necessary to join an academy!

Finally, when it comes to healthy habits, don’t forget to get enough sleep each day (at least 7 hours in a row) and avoid bad habits such as smoking and alcoholism.

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Who could help you find out more?

The inflammatory state and diet 

In case you have doubts about how to follow a diet according to your needs, consult your doctor. The professional will be able to tell you what is best for you and why. Additionally, you could consult with a nutritionist. 

If you want to start the orange diet, it is also recommended that you discuss it with your doctor or trusted nutritionist, so that they can tell you what you should be especially attentive to if you want to take care of yourself throughout the entire process and obtain good results.

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