How To Deal With A Dislocated Bone?

A dislocated bone or dislocation is defined as a strain of the ligaments and joint capsule (one end of the bone), which causes the bone or joint to come out of its original place.

Suffering dislocations in certain joints depends largely on several factors, such as the physical condition, stability, elasticity and strength of the muscles and tendons that are responsible for their movement.

Any joint can suffer a dislocation, and it can be complete or incomplete. If the bone completely exits and the natural joint disappears, we speak of a complete dislocation. On the other hand, if it separates or becomes dislodged without reaching its total exit, it is an incomplete dislocation.

As a data, the most common dislocations are those suffered in the fingers, shoulders and hips. What else should you know about it? We tell you what its causes are and how you should act in the face of this type of injury.

What can cause a dislocation or dislocation?

The bones are perfectly positioned and connected, forming joints thanks to the support of numerous structures, mainly ligaments and muscles. Unfortunately, if a bone dislodges from the joint and does not return to its normal position, a dislocation or dislocation occurs.

When the structures of the joint leave, this part of the body is immobilized and temporarily deformed, causing unpleasant pain. Dislocations are often caused by sudden (unexpected) impacts on the joint.

They are generally produced by:

  • Direct hits.
  • Joint twists in the wrong direction (like twisting the ankle, for example).
  • Falls
What can cause a dislocation or dislocation?

Risk factor’s

In addition, there are risk factors that further increase the probability of suffering dislocations, such as the following:

  • Children. As the cartilage that is part of the joint has not yet matured and presents greater flexibility.
  • Advanced age. By increasing the fragility of the bones. Although usually the cause would be bone fractures.
  • Hereditary factor. Some people are born with greater flexibility.
  • Propensity to falls or accidents.
  • Play sports, especially if they are risky.

What symptoms does a dislocated or dislocated bone cause?

Mainly, the exit of the articular structures can cause pinching of neighboring structures, such as the neighboring nerves, blood vessels, ligaments or muscles. All this makes the symptoms very similar in all cases of dislocation, such as:

  • Tingle.
  • Numbness.
  • Severe pain sensation.
  • Joint immobility (limitation of movement).
  • Swelling.
  • Presence of bruises (if a surrounding blood vessel breaks).
  • Visible bone out of place.
  • Different color.
  • Limb deformity.

Signs of greater urgency:

  • Bone that protrudes through the skin.
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Affected area below the lesion with pale, cold or purple presence.

What should be done with a dislocated bone?

The bones can return to their initial position spontaneously, but this is not always frequent. In order for it to return to its initial situation, the repositioning technique must be well known. In this way, it will be necessary to visit an emergency service as soon as possible so that health professionals can take care of it.

Fortunately, the treatment, in most cases, can be carried out on an outpatient basis at the health center, without having to go to the hospital. But it is important to know what to do until you reach these services. It must be considered:

  • Obtain medical assistance immediately by calling 112.
  • Immobilize the joint. Until you receive assistance, the affected joint should be fixed and do not try to move the dislocated joint or force it back into place. These movements could damage the joint and the structures around it. A sling may be helpful if you can get one.
  • Ice it, not directly. This can help decrease swelling, reduce pain, reduce bruising, and fluid buildup in the injured joint.
  • Prevent shock. Stand in a horizontal position, raising your feet about 30 centimeters.
Dislocated bone

What should not be done with a dislocated bone?

As important as seeing what should be done when a bone dislocation occurs, it is also necessary to know the contraindications that exist, prior to emergency medical assistance, such as:

  • Do not move until the injury is completely immobilized.
  • If the injury is hip, do not move (or even try to get up).
  • Never try to straighten a bone or a joint by force.
  • Do not check if the joint has lost functions, wait for medical assistance.
  • Without prior medical assistance, do not take any medication.


In the case of uncomplicated dislocations, the necessary treatment would be to reposition the joint using a traction maneuver. To everyone’s surprise, after this maneuver, if there is no damage to neighboring structures, the pain disappears instantly.

On the contrary, in the case of complicated dislocations, it would be necessary to perform surgery to reconstruct the joint and other structures that have been damaged.

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