8 Foods To Have A Healthy Heart

If you are interested in having a healthy heart, you should know which are the foods that you should take advantage of more often in your diet.

To have a healthy heart, it is well known that it is essential to maintain good lifestyle habits. Therefore, food is one of the main aspects that must be taken care of.

If you wonder what are the foods you should eat to have a better chance of enjoying good heart health, you should not miss the following list that we present below. But first, we will review why oatmeal is so recommended in the diet.

Oats, a great ally

Oats are one of the whole grain cereals most consumed by humans since ancient times. Its nutritional composition is highly favorable for health according to studies.

One of the main reasons this is the case is because oats contain β-glucans (beta-glucans), a type of fiber that reduces bad cholesterol by regulating the digestive system and controlling blood glucose levels. .

Also, this cereal is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, fundamental minerals that especially benefit the cardiovascular system, as well as other systems.

oatmeal recipes

Foods for a healthy heart

Of course, eating the following foods is not enough to keep your heart healthy; it must be accompanied by other healthy habits, such as physical exercise. If you have any symptoms or discomfort, do not hesitate to consult your trusted doctor as soon as possible.

1. Salmon

Salmon is one of the healthiest foods for the heart, because it contains high levels of omega 3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for the body, according to medical publications.

Consuming this type of fish helps us to avoid the accumulation of plaque in blood vessels and to reduce triglycerides, arrhythmia and high blood pressure.

2. Olive oil

Since olive oil contains polyphenols, it is a natural product that keeps blood vessels in good condition. Also, olive oil, especially extra virgin, reduces “bad” cholesterol and blood pressure, and can be of great help in maintaining adequate levels in this regard.

3. Bean

As the specialized site heart.org reports, beans are another food of great value for a healthy heart. This is due to its high content of nutrients such as those belonging to the B complex, folate, magnesium and also a high amount of fiber.

Among other things, they all help keep blood cholesterol and glucose in good condition. No matter what kind or type of beans you eat, they all have the same nutrients and benefits.

4. Berries

Berries, in general, such as blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries, contain nutrients that are very good for good heart health. More and more studies gradually confirm its beneficial effects in this regard.

As the aforementioned research indicates, among these nutrients we can mention vitamin C, calcium and fiber. All of them collaborate in the prevention of heart disease and in the regulation of blood pressure.

5. Orange

Oranges contain flavonoids and carotenoids and antioxidants that lower blood pressure. Sources specialized in medicine affirm this. In addition, its fiber lowers cholesterol and eliminates toxins that lodge in our body.

As if that were not enough, vitamin C keeps the heart healthy, while potassium lowers blood pressure and inflammation, thus reducing the risk of heart attacks.

6. Almonds

Various investigations confirm that almonds contain properties that help reduce so-called “bad” cholesterol. In addition, they have high levels of magnesium, which helps prevent hardening of the arteries and raising blood pressure, which translates into a lower incidence of heart disease.

7. Soy

As reported by the Argentine Nutrition Society in this document, soybeans, like beans, have properties that are good for the heart. It is rich in vegetable proteins, polyunsaturated and unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, folates and various vitamins, as well as minerals such as: calcium, iron, selenium, zinc, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.

Together, these nutrients help lower blood triglycerides and thus help maintain a healthy heart. In addition, there are many ways to consume soy: flour, oil, lecithin, soy drink, tofu, fermented products, among others.

8. Broccoli

Broccoli (better known as broccoli) is a very recurrent type of vegetable in the kitchen worldwide. It is a food with which you can prepare a wide variety of exquisite recipes and obtain various nutrients.

It is especially rich in fiber, vegetable proteins, vitamin C, folates and potassium ; This mineral is especially important since it favors the strengthening of the muscles, including the heart. Specialized sites highlight the convenience of consuming broccoli to maintain good heart health.

food myths

Some considerations

In order to have a healthy heart, you must not only consume these foods, but also know what are the appropriate amounts, the best ways to take advantage of them and other related aspects, in order to truly obtain their benefits. Remember to always check with your doctor before making drastic changes to your diet. 

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