Raspberry Leaves For A Healthy Uterus?

Just as the fruit is said to help regulate the menstrual cycle, it is said that the infusion of raspberry leaves favors the function of the uterus and helps to avoid tension and spasms.

According to popular wisdom, with the raspberry leaves ( Rubus idaeus) that are collected in early summer, a natural infusion could be prepared to take care of the health of the uterus and, at the same time, supplement daily hydration.

Although in the scientific field it has not been possible to determine the exact mechanism of such contribution, there are researchers who consider that by delving deeper into it, the answer could be found. For this, it would be necessary to carry out more studies both in vitro and in vivo.

An ancient remedy for a healthy uterus

healthy uterus

Following what popular wisdom comments, we have that the consumption of raspberry leaf to tone the uterus and improve the health of women naturally dates back to the sixteenth century.

Why specifically raspberry leaves? Because this is a very common plant in Europe, Asia and North America that grows in the form of bushes in the fields and is easily found in the summer time. It is also a plant that can be grown in the home garden or in pots.

In the past, raspberry leaves were said to be good for regulating a woman’s menstrual cycle and maintaining the health of the female reproductive system. Which is why many women were encouraged to consume both the fruit and the infusion of the leaves of the plant to take care of themselves and keep the typical discomfort of menstruation at bay.

This is because it used to be said that with the regular consumption of the infusion of raspberry leaves, the muscles of the pelvis and, specifically, those of the uterus, would work more easily and effectively, both during menstrual processes and during pregnancy. and childbirth.

Other associated benefits

  • The infusion of raspberry leaves would improve fertility and could prevent miscarriages and hemorrhages, as well as postpartum hemorrhages.
  • It would calm the nausea of ​​the first months of pregnancy.
  • It could also increase milk production during lactation.
  • It would facilitate the work of the woman during childbirth and, as a consequence, it reduces the duration time.

In view of all the above, there are women who consider that consuming the infusion of raspberry leaves could maintain good uterine health. So, they buy this product in herbalists or they grow the plant at home.

Raspberry antioxidants

The raspberry fruit is widely consumed in various ways and today it is known to be a source of antioxidants and other nutrients beneficial to the health of the entire body.

According to some experts, raspberry leaves also have antioxidant properties. Specifically, polyphenols: tannins and flavonoids. For this reason, after white tea, it could be said that the infusion of raspberry leaves is the “woman’s drink”.

In this sense, it is worth remembering the definition given by the experts of the Spanish Heart Foundation on antioxidants: they are compounds that “activate the natural organoleptic properties, preserving them, but because when ingested they protect the health of the animal in a comprehensive and effective way. consumer, preventing the development of diseases… ”.

It is interesting to know that according to a study, the leaves of this plant contain fragarine, which is a compound that could help mitigate colic, spasms and cramps caused by menstruation. However, there is still a lack of data to help determine to what extent it would be appropriate to take advantage of their consumption, etc.

Raspberry infusion

Do you want to drink the infusion of raspberry leaves?

In case you are considering taking the raspberry leaf infusion on a regular basis, discuss it with your doctor. The professional will tell you if it is appropriate for you to do it or not, how you should take advantage of it and what you should avoid in order not to suffer adverse reactions or, if you are taking any drug treatment, suffer the attacks of interactions.

Remember that not all organisms are the same or respond favorably to the same questions. Therefore, it is essential that you advise yourself well and that you exercise caution when incorporating herbal supplements into your lifestyle.

On the other hand, always bear in mind that the consumption of a natural remedy or drink should not be an excuse to stop leading good lifestyle habits or to have medical check-ups.

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