3 Delicious Cleansing Shakes For Your Dinners: You’ll Love Them!

There are days when we come home exhausted. Now, feeling tired does not justify that we should skip dinners, much less eat “anything.” Therefore, today you will discover 3 delicious cleansing shakes for your very light and nutritious dinners.

Dinner is essential to maintain a regular body, to take care of our health and even to lose weight.

Going to bed without having eaten means spending between 10 or 12 hours without our body receiving any nutrients. It is also not advisable to have a copious dinner, as this could prevent us from resting well. These types of practices are neither recommended nor healthy.

Something as simple as preparing a delicious smoothie is always a great idea. However, keep in mind that these natural drinks, in turn, must be supplemented with some protein.

Eggs, salmon or a grilled breast can be a good option. Next, we offer you three ways to prepare a cleansing shake, as well as nutritious, with which you can go to bed in the best way.

Cleansing shakes for your dinners

cleansing shake


  • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice (50 ml).
  • 1 cup of natural pineapple (200 g).
  • ½ cup of papaya (100 g).
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml).
  • 2 ice cubes.


If you drink it fresh, your body will appreciate it. It is a light and healthy drink.

  • To prepare it, the first thing we will do is obtain the lemon juice, as well as the exact amounts of pineapple and papaya.
  • Once ready, we will take them to the blender along with the glass of water.
  • Beat for a few seconds and add the ice cubes. You will see how good it suits you.

3. Strawberry cleansing shake

You’ll love it. This last of the cleansing shakes for your dinners can be a wonderful complement to your last meal of the day.

In addition to purifying the body, it will help you cover many of those nutrients that you “lose” due to the stress of the day.

Milk, strawberries and honey for dinners


  • 10 strawberries
  • ½ banana.
  • 1 teaspoon of protein powder (5 g) (you can find it in pharmacies or health food stores).
  • 1 glass of soy drink (200 ml).


  • We will start by washing the strawberries well and then cut them in half.
  • Next, get that half a banana and put it in the blender along with the strawberries, the soy drink, and that teaspoon of protein powder.
  • Get a homogeneous drink and drink at your dinners. If you accompany it, for example, with a pumpkin soup and a little salmon, your body will go to bed in the best way.

To conclude, of the cleansing shakes for your dinners outlined here, prepare the one that you like the most or that feels best to you. Above all, be constant in these types of natural alternatives and never skip your dinners.

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