Seeds That Should Never Be Missing In Our Kitchen

Seeds contain minerals, proteins, vitamins, enzymes and fatty acids. If we want to take advantage of all its nutrients, we must consume them raw. We can include them in our dishes ground or grated

The consumption of seeds has increased in recent years, especially among those who want to eat a balanced, low-calorie diet. Although their properties are not miraculous, eating them regularly can help you maintain a healthy weight.

In fact, due to their fiber, antioxidant, vitamin and mineral content, they are ideal for promoting well-being. Some, like flax seed, are believed to be beneficial for cardiovascular health. In addition, they are versatile and their flavor combines very well with other foods.

Do you know which are the varieties that should not be missing in your kitchen? Discover them!

The best seeds for your diet

First of all, we want to clarify that there are no foods that can burn fat by themselves. Some ingredients could support the diet to combat excess body fat. However, the most important thing is to include them in a balanced and complete diet that is adapted to the needs of each one.

On the other hand, despite the supposed benefits they offer, these seeds cannot be used as an alternative treatment to that recommended by a doctor. Remember that it is important to follow the guidelines of the professional and, in case of presenting a health problem, consult your consumption with the doctor.

The different varieties of seeds are attributed nutrients that complement the diet. However, if we have to mention the best ones, the oleoginous ones should be highlighted. These provide a significant amount of healthy fats, such as omega 3 fatty acids.

There are studies that have associated the consumption of oilseeds with a lower risk of developing obesity and diabetes. This effect is believed to be associated with its low glycemic index and fiber content.

They also contain vegetable proteins, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are key for the body. The best thing is that they can be added in many recipes, including juices, smoothies, soups and other preparations for daily consumption. 

Chia seed

These dark colored seeds provide minerals, vitamins and fibers, as well as proteins and antioxidants. Some research indicates that they are attributed a beneficial effect to improve the lipid profile of the blood, thanks to their hypotensive, hypoglycemic, antimicrobial and immunostimulating effects.

Other data suggest that they may lessen joint pain, as well as contribute to weight loss. However, more research is required as many other factors come into play.

Flax seed

Flax seeds provide dietary fiber and essential omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which may help protect cardiovascular health. They have also been associated with the prevention of joint diseases, such as arthritis.

Pumpkin seed

They are greenish or yellowish in color, provide protein and B vitamins. In addition, it is believed that they could improve mood, thanks to a chemical component called L-tryptophan.

Pumpkin seeds

Sesame seed

They are light in color and have been used as a condiment for hundreds of years. They contain copper, manganese, calcium, iron, vitamin B, zinc, phosphorus, and dietary fiber.

Some studies have shown relevant effects on oxidative stress, since the intake of sesame seeds increased the antioxidant capacity.

Sunflower seed

They are small and white, their shell is dark. Sunflower seeds contain vitamin E, which neutralizes free radicals, preventing damage to the brain and cells.

Possible benefits are due to its phytochemical components, including phenolic acids, flavonoids, and tocopherols.

By containing fiber they can prevent constipation. They can be consumed in various preparations, such as cakes, soups, granola, on top of bread or in cookies (after baking).


Recommendations when consuming the seeds

As you have seen, there are many seeds that are attributed beneficial properties for the body. However, remember that, in the case of illness, the treatment recommended by a doctor should be followed and never substituted by the consumption of these seeds or other natural remedies.

Still not consuming these seeds? Start incorporating them into your dishes to take advantage of their properties.

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