8 Food Myths That Should Be A Part Of The Past For A Long Time

There are some legends that surround food but which, despite having spread over time, have no scientific basis. We tell you the most famous.

Every day we are exposed to a great variety of messages and ideas that we adopt as part of our lives. In fact, there are many food myths that are just that: legends without scientific basis.

The problem is that all these ideas are staying with us and some are wrong . This time, we will tell you about myths foods that should be a long time past.

Did we discover them?

Food myths that we must demolish

We are going to review the most famous myths when it comes to diet.

1. Drinking milk is vital to obtain calcium and vitamin D

The first of the food myths that should be in the past for a long time is that you must drink milk every day for strong and healthy bones.

Have been made studies where it was shown that drinking milk is not directly related to bone health. What you really need is to include vitamin D and calcium in your daily diet .

  • Include foods that contain calcium, but also work on your strength through exercises.

2. Organic foods provide more nutrients and are free of pesticides


Another food myth that should be in the past for a long time is the idea that organic food is pesticide free. Do you believe it too?

If so, you should know that there is studies which show that this myth is totally false.

  • The relevant factor here is to think that organic foods do not use any kind of pesticide. The truth is that they are used, although they are more environmentally friendly and allowed by government agencies.
  • To make sure that the organic foods you are consuming really benefit you, you should check what pesticides they are using.

    3. The tryptophan in turkey makes you sleepy

    This is also one of the most widespread food myths. Sounds weird to you, right?

    The truth is that the tryptophan is an amino acid that helps your brain to relax . However, the amount of tryptophan that we find in turkey is not so great as to cause drowsiness.

    In fact, other foods are richer in this chemical and they do not generate this effect on you either.

    • What can happen is that you eat very heavy foods and drinks with the Turkey .
    • The result is that you force the body to work extra to synthesize those foods and after a while, you are exhausted.

    4. Eating chocolate causes acne

    Chocolate and acne relationship

    Another great food myth that we all believe is that you should avoid chocolate if you have acne problems.

    A study published in the journal Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology  verified that no relationship between chocolate and acne . Likewise, the intake of pure chocolate bars was compared with chocolate-type sweets and the results were the same.

    This is good news if you like chocolate and want to take advantage of its benefits. Just remember that what you will get are calories and carbohydrates, so you should eat it in moderation.

    5. Coffee supports the development of bones

    Are you one of those people who drink coffee because they have heard that it helps to have healthier bones? Do you allow your children to have some coffee for this effect?

    You will be surprised to know that this is one of the food myths that should be a long time past.

    Although you can make a slight increase in calcium if you accompany your coffee with a little milk, but it is not a relevant amount either.

    6. Eating milk ice cream makes a cold worse


    Do you also think that an ice cream will make symptoms worse when you are sick? In that case, you should be calm because milk does not worsen mucous secretion . Actually, you can consume as much milk and its derivatives as you want.

    7. Sugar causes hyperactivity in children

    Do you have young children and you refuse to give them sugar of any kind to keep them from being fussy? Well, you should know that this is one of the food myths that are just an urban legend.

    The hyperactivity is a problem that goes beyond glucose . What you should do is monitor the amount of glucose your child is getting to avoid having diabetes problems or obesity at an early age.

    8. Eating carrots improves your night vision

    If you are a person with problems seeing at night and you eat a lot carrots Because they have told you that they will improve your eyesight, you should know that it is false.  Although carrots contain vitamin A, which supports vision, no food will give you special powers or reverse existing problems. Instead of believing this, remember to visit your ophthalmologist twice a year.

    Don’t believe the food myths

    Despite the fact that some are widespread, food myths do not have scientific evidence and condition the diet without providing any type of added value. If you have doubts about which products to eat and which not, it is best to consult a nutrition professional.

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