Is There A Relationship Between Throat And Bowel Diseases?

It is normal that, when our head hurts a lot, we feel other discomforts related to other parts of the body, such as nausea. Now, what happens in the case of the throat and intestine?

There are those who wonder if there is a relationship between throat and intestinal diseases. This is because various beliefs and issues are taken into account, such as the fact that emotions can influence fitness.

Just as it is said that when a person frequently suffers from discomfort in the throat because something is “silent”, it is also said that there is a certain connection between throat conditions (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, aphonia, etc.) and intestinal health. More specifically: when the intestine is not well, the throat “expresses” it.

If you suffer from a throat, look at your intestinal health

Woman with a sore throat.

As we have been commenting, there is a belief that intestinal health is related to throat conditions. Therefore, there are those who consider that the latter can warn that something is not working correctly in the intestine and that it must be taken care of.

  • Irritable bowel syndrome: chronic disorder that causes pain and alternating states of diarrhea and constipation. It could be related to nervous and emotional issues.
  • Constipation : it is one of the great evils of our days, due to a poor diet, too refined and excessive sedentary lifestyle.
  • Candidiasis – Many people unknowingly suffer from yeast infections. Candidiasis is a fungal infection (mycosis), which is caused by fungi of the Candida species , of which Candida albicans is the most common. It usually causes tiredness, nervousness, appetite disorders, poor digestion, itchy nose or anus, etc.
  • Diverticulosis: consists of the formation of a kind of thickening in the walls of the large intestine.

While it is true that when one part of the body fails others suffer, there is no scientific evidence to show that there is a direct relationship between throat and intestine. Therefore, what we have been discussing above is simply a belief.

Throat and Bowel Remedies

Continuing with what is said about the relationship between the throat and the intestine, we have that there are various home remedies to improve the problems of both. These come to be the following.


Throat diseases have always been frequent, especially in the case of children who suffer them repeatedly. In other times, they did not hesitate to resort to enemas.

Enemas – or enemas – were used very often. It was then known that a malfunctioning gut was the cause of multiple diseases. In this sense, applying an enema one could notice a great improvement almost immediately.

How are they made?

The enemas used to be made with the help of some rubber pears. Even today they are sold in pharmacies because they are the fastest and most convenient way to apply them.

  • It is enough to introduce in the pear the warm water, that is of quality, not of the tap.
  • Then, smear a lubricant or oil on the cannula and insert it into the anus while we are lying on the left side.
  • Then we hold out what we can and evacuate.
  • We can perform a couple of enemas a day while we suffer from the throat condition.

Repopulate the intestinal flora

Can you eat yogurt if you have diarrhea?

If we want to take care of the throat, we must regulate the intestine and treat the pathology that we suffer. A fundamental guideline will be the care of the intestinal microbiota or flora.

The microbiota is altered by intestinal diseases, poor diet, and drug use. We will take care of it in two ways:

  • Eating foods that promote it, especially fermented foods such as sauerkraut, yogurt or kefir. But they will need to be made at home to make sure they are not artificially manufactured and contain the nutrients we need.
  • Taking a specific supplement to repopulate the intestinal flora, especially if we have been taking medication.

Food intolerances

There is a fundamental question to keep in mind when we repeatedly suffer from intestinal and throat problems. We must  assess the possibility that we have an allergy or intolerance to any food.

In allergies we realize very quickly because the body’s reaction is instantaneous. However, the same does not happen with intolerances. These have harmful but slower and gradual effects, which makes their detection difficult.

We can be intolerant to any food  and there are many types of laboratory tests that analyze it. However, the most common and that we should take into account first are gluten and lactose. We can also suffer intolerances to certain fruits, nuts or food additives.

Important note

It must be remembered that there is no scientific evidence that indicates that, in fact, there is a direct relationship between throat diseases and intestinal health. Therefore, everything presented here is part of a belief and not a proven fact.

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