Pasta With Seafood And Zucchini Flower

Pasta is one of the favorite dishes of the vast majority of people. This is because we can find a great variety in the market. In addition, the recipe options that it offers us are innumerable. Therefore, today you will discover how to prepare pasta with seafood, a delicious Mediterranean recipe!

There are many studies that warn of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet for our health. Therefore, including ingredients and recipes that allow us to approach this type of nutrition will benefit us in multiple ways. Among them, it will allow us to taste flavors and dishes that, perhaps, we have never tried. Do you dare to try pasta with seafood?

How to prepare pasta with seafood

To make a really delicious seafood pasta, we need to collect a few ingredients. Although many of us will have them at home, others will have to go to the nearest supermarket. Although this may make us very lazy, it will be worth it.

Seafood pasta


  • 500 g of Bavette pasta.
  • 15 g of parsley.
  • 80 g of zucchini flower.
  • 150 ml of crustacean broth.
  • 5 prawns.
  • 5 scampi.
  • 1 kg of clams and chirlas.
  • 10 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 clove garlic.
  • 1 onion.
  • 20 g of parsley.
  • 25 ml of brandy.
  • Sunflower oil.


Now that we have all the ingredients, it is time to get down to work to prepare our pasta with seafood. To do this, we need to soak the clams and clams for two hours in salted water. Once this time has passed, we will proceed with these steps:

  • We put 7 tablespoons of oil in a frying pan on the fire.
  • We will chop the garlic and onion that we will add to the pan.
  • When they are golden brown, we include the prawns and the scampi.
  • Now, let’s soak the seafood in the brandy.
  • We will place the clams, the chirlas and the chopped parsley in the pan until they open.
  • Once the clams are open we will add the cherry tomato.
  • We will let it cook over low heat and we will include the zucchini flowers, and other ingredients.
  • We will lower the heat to a minimum and prepare the pasta.

The moment of pasta

To make the pasta, we just have to put water in a pot and wait for it to boil. Once it does, add the pasta and parsley. When we verify that it is al dente, we remove it from the heat, drain it and pass under a stream of cold water to prevent it from continuing to cook. Then:

  • We introduce the pasta in the seafood mixture and sauté it.
  • We will let it cook for a few minutes.
  • We will sprinkle a little parsley and plate.

pasta prawns mushrooms cheese

Interesting facts about pasta with seafood

As you may have seen, pasta with seafood is not very difficult to make. Of course, the exposed ingredients are exposed thinking of 4 diners. Therefore, in the case of fewer people, it is better to reduce their number. They also don’t matter if we don’t have Bavette pasta. We can use spaghetti without any problem. What other data should we take into account?

  • Pantesca salad is an excellent accompaniment to this dish.
  • Dry white wine is an ideal drink to enhance the flavor of seafood.
  • Cleaning the clams well is very important to avoid poisoning.
  • Vegetables, such as eggplant, can be included to enhance the dish.
  • Clams and chirlas that have a red shell are best discarded, as they may indicate that they are in poor condition.

Pasta with seafood is an ideal dish to surprise diners at any family gathering or party. A new way to enjoy pasta, with a touch of the Mediterranean diet and completely healthy. It also allows all kinds of innovations, so if we want to include vegetables, we can do so by adding those that we like the most.

We encourage you to give this recipe a try, as it is a sure hit. If you like seafood, you can delight your palate with this combination of flavors. Of course, be careful with the cooking time, since you can spend it and the result is not entirely pleasant for the palate. Therefore, we recommend that you do not wait for the estimated time. Better, stay short until you find the key.

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