Learn How To Eliminate Toxins With Sweet Lemon

The Persian lime, also known as sweet lemon, is a citrus variety with delicious flavor and powerful health properties, such as:

  • Tone the liver
  • Purify the body
  • Lose weight
  • Increase defenses
  • Calm feverish states.

In this article we explain all their benefits and how to eat them and eliminate toxins easily, enjoying their flavor.

What is Persian lime or sweet lemon?

The Persian lime, sweet lemon or Citrus limetta, belonging to the family of citrus fruits such as orange, lemon, mandarin or grapefruit, is a lesser known variety than other limes but nevertheless with great health benefits.

Unlike the rest of lemons and limes, its flavor is slightly acid and bitter, but it is also sweet, so it is more pleasant to consume directly than the other varieties. It is a very aromatic fruit with a greenish color that clears and turns yellow as it ripens.

Its calorie content is very low and contains the following nutrients:

  • Calcium
  • Match
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Vitamins B1, B2 and C
  • Fiber
  • Niacin
  • Citric acid.

persia douneika lime or sweet lemon

Health properties

  • Eliminate toxins from our body
  • Protects the liver and helps digest fats, so it is also useful in cases of difficult digestion and overweight
  • Reduces Cholesterine and Triglycerids levels
  • Increase our defenses and prevent illnesses such as the flu or colds
  • Calms the feverish states (if we take the decoction of the peeling)
  • Cures canker sores in the mouth
  • Its vitamin C content, when we combine it with food, helps us better assimilate iron, making it ideal in cases of anemia and exhaustion.
  • It is a highly antioxidant fruit, thanks to which it helps us prevent premature aging

    How do we take it?

    The best way to take the lime is directly squeezing its juice, also eating its pulp or piercing it through the top and drinking its juice as we squeeze the fruit, a very traditional way of taking it.

    There is another way to benefit from all its properties, also consuming its zest, which is very rich in flavonoids and vitamin C, which consists of freezing the limes and grating them to season all kinds of foods and beverages.

    Being frozen, it is easy to grate it with its pulp and its skin and thus it is kept as long as we need without spoiling. Specifically, if what we want is to purify our body and eliminate toxins, the best way is to drink the juice directly or drink a lot of water with frozen and grated Persian lime.

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    When do we take it?

    The best times to take sweet lemon and obtain all its cleansing properties are outside of meals, on an empty stomach and before going to bed.

    Since it is a fruit that does very well for the liver, it is highly recommended to take one at night, to help us digest dinner and prepare the body to regenerate during the night.

    On the other hand, in the morning it is highly recommended when we want to counteract the effects of lunch or dinner on the inner day, or to rehydrate our body after the night fast.

    The Effects of Debugging

    When we purify with food or natural remedies it is possible that the first days we suffer a “healing crisis”, that is, some symptoms that show that our body is cleaning itself of toxins, such as pimples on the face, diarrhea, sweat more strong, etc.

    These days we recommend using the same Persian limes as a natural deodorant. If we liquefy the citrus peelings, the juice we obtain can be used as a very effective natural deodorant without harmful substances. We must keep it in the fridge for a few days or freeze it and use it.

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