10 Benefits Of Eating Citrus Fruits Regularly

Through this article you will learn about the advantages of adding citrus to your diet.

Citrus fruits are a delight for the senses. For this reason, who has not ever enjoyed a tasty orange juice in the morning for breakfast? Native to tropical and subtropical Asia, today these fruits are highly appreciated throughout the world and have been recognized for many years for their high content of vitamin C and citric acid. However, they have many more properties.

Citrus fruits are species belonging to the genus Citrus whose fruits have a characteristic acid taste and are rich in essential oils. There are many varieties, but the best known are sweet orange, sour orange, lemon, mandarin, grapefruit or grapefruit and lime.

According to the scientific literature “in addition to its use as fruit and ornamental, citrus fruits are widely used as medicinals. Arias & Ramón-Laca (2005) cite various uses found in the historical bibliography of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, and they record a greater diversity of past than current medicinal uses ”.

If you do not know some of its properties, do not worry, below you can find 10 benefits of eating citrus regularly.

Consuming orange juice on a daily basis can be beneficial for you.

1. Natural sources of vitamins and minerals

Consuming lemons and oranges – regularly and within a balanced diet – is a very easy way to obtain the concentrations of vitamins A, B1, B2 and C, potassium, copper and sulfur that the body needs to function properly.

With this natural diet you will be able to revitalize the body, strengthen the tissues, prevent colds and infections of the mucosa, stimulate glandular secretions and balance blood pressure.

Read: Do vitamins help you have more energy?

2. They protect the digestive system

Citrus fruits, like other fruits and foods of plant origin, are very beneficial for gastrointestinal health and, specifically, for the microbiota. This is due to its contribution of fiber, in addition to the different vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, of course.

3. Control cholesterol and uric acid levels

According to several hypotheses, acidic fruits are excellent for lowering cholesterol and uric acid levels in the blood.

Therefore, if you consume citrus regularly you will be preventing the development of circulatory problems, heart conditions and diseases such as gout.

4. Beautiful and healthy skin

As with other fruits and vegetables, the vitamins and essential oils in citrus fruits are great for the skin. For this reason, it is not surprising that it has often been included in various cosmetic formulas. Especially the extracts of their peels.

Now, just as it is already possible to obtain its benefits through various skin care products, it is also possible to take advantage of them in a very simple way: through their regular inclusion in the diet.

5. They contribute to the control of diabetes

According to some hypotheses, the juice of fruits such as orange helps to stimulate the functioning of the pancreas while grapefruit helps regulate blood sugar levels and control hypoglycemia. Be careful, this does not mean that these juices are a “cure” or a treatment as such for the problem, but that they can be a good complement to the diet.

6. Activate the immune system

According to popular wisdom, consuming oranges helps to raise natural defenses (or rather, strengthen the immune system), and thus reduce the number of illnesses and infectious diseases. Now, although this is still under debate, it does not hurt to enjoy citrus delicacies in case of flu or cold, within the framework of a healthy diet.

8. Detoxify the body

It is said that there is nothing like orange, lemon and mandarin to eliminate toxins that have entered the body and in one way or another have harmed it, causing fatigue, discomfort or lack of energy. All of these fruits provide fructose, which provides energy to the body.

9. Purge organs

On the other hand, the accumulation of toxins in certain organs, such as the kidneys, gallbladder and liver, is said to result in the formation of gallstones and kidney stones, liver congestions and other health problems. For this reason, it is recommended to take -as a preventive way- citrus fruits regularly.

10. They help you lose weight

Although much research has helped shed some light on this, the researchers say there is still a need to dig deeper into the relationship between citrus consumption and weight loss.

If you consume a homemade lemonade without sugar or any other additives instead of a industrial soda or alcoholic beverage, you may be closer to your goal. However, this little strategy should always be accompanied by other good lifestyle habits, such as a good diet and exercise routine.

Citrus fruits are foods that should be included in the diet

Some tips that you should take into account when consuming that orange, that mandarin, that lemon that you like so much are the following that it offers to popular wisdom:

  • It is recommended that the consumption of citrus fruits should occur before two in the afternoon, this is when they are really beneficial for the body.
  • Orange and mandarin are fruits that should be eaten alone, otherwise they can cause gastric problems.
  • Orange is gold in the morning, silver at noon, and lead at night. Start your day with a delicious juice.
  • Avoid mixing the bomb fruit with the lemon, it can cause anemia and problems with hemoglobin.
  • If you like to experiment, be careful with the orange and carrot mixture. This juice increases heartburn, causes reflux, and affects the liver and kidney system.

Ready to start getting more out of citrus? Do you already know how you are going to integrate them more regularly into your diet? Remember that if you have doubts, you can always consult a nutritionist.

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