The Important Thing Is Not To Sleep More, But To Sleep Better

To sleep better, it is essential that our dinner is light, since this way our body will digestion before and can focus on its purification tasks

Rest at night is essential for good health.  It is as important as food, sports or positive emotions. However, many people become obsessed with having to sleep more, when perhaps what they really need is to learn to sleep better.

In this article we give you some tips to improve the quality of your rest, which will give you energy, vitality and good humor throughout the day.

Why should we sleep better?

Worrying about sleeping better has nothing to do with laziness or laziness. We can sleep long hours and wake up tired, or sleep little and be very active in the morning.

The important thing is to find the perfect time for each person, neither more nor less, and that during those hours our rest is the best possible.

A good night’s rest has a very positive impact on health :

  • We improve the regeneration of the organs during the night, especially the liver and gallbladder, which help purify the body of toxins in a natural way.
  • We increase energy and vitality levels.
  • We balance the nervous system and thus prevent disorders such as nervousness, irritability, anxiety, depression or stress.
  • We regulate the appetite and we manage to maintain a balanced weight more easily.

7 tips to sleep better

1. Follow the solar schedule

Follow the solar schedule, learn to sleep better

Before there was electricity, people followed the hours set by the sunlight. They got up at dawn and when it got dark they were already in their homes. In summer there were longer working hours and in winter they were reduced.

Although electric light has given us many possibilities, the truth is that the sun is an excellent regulator of our natural and original biorhythms, so that each organ works in a certain way at each time.

If we want to sleep better we can try to get up early and go to bed earlier. Once our body gets used to it, we will notice a great improvement.

2. Eat little and early dinner

Following this same idea, and taking into account that the liver and gallbladder regenerate in the early hours of the morning, as long as we are not digesting dinner, to improve rest we should have an early dinner and light meals. 

In fact, fatty foods lead to heavy digestion, which could make us rest worse. We can choose to:

  • Salads
  • Soups
  • vegetables cream
  • Fish
  • Lean meat
  • Tortillas

In any case, we must avoid :

  • Excess salt
  • Fried foods
  • Cheeses
  • Sausages
  • Dairy products
  • Flours

3. Exercise in the afternoon

Afternoon exercise

There is no better therapy for good sleep than exercising in the afternoon, right before dinner. However, it is recommended to exercise several hours before sleeping. Since, after exercising, our body is activated for about two or three hours and we could achieve the opposite effect.

Whether we opt for relaxing exercises and stretching or if we prefer intense sports, our body will provide us with a pleasant sensation of serenity and well-being that will help us to rest much better. 

4. Disconnect from everything

To sleep better we must avoid that the worries of the day remain when we return home. They must stay out until the next day so that we can share dinner and the last hours of the day in peace with the family.

This simple advice will help us relax the mind and calm the emotions, which are decisive in the quality of rest. We will therefore avoid checking work emails, discussions and any other concerns, especially in these late hours of the day.

5. Beware of electromagnetic waves

Electronic devices generate electromagnetic waves that disturb our body and cause us hidden stress that alters our nervous system.

This will make it difficult for us to rest properly. Therefore, we will avoid the use of electronic devices a couple of hours before going to bed, as well as having them around when going to bed. It is what they call digital disconnection.

6. A healthy bedroom?

A healthy bedroom

Do we have a healthy bedroom? You must meet these requirements:

  • Cleaning.
  • Order.
  • Good ventilation
  • Neutral colors such as white, cream, green, light blue or purple.
  • If we have plants we must make sure that they are beneficial at night.
  • Be quiet.
  • No mirrors to reflect the bed.

7. A clear conscience

The best way to get a good night’s rest is to have a clear conscience. We will achieve this by acting every day in the best possible way, enhancing our virtues and trying to help others.

This will provide us with satisfaction and peace of mind that, in addition, will be returned to us in the form of gratitude from the people around us.

So, I hope these tips or advice will be of help to you. Remember that better sleep affects our daily life and how we get along with friends and at work. However, it is essential to go to the doctor in case of not being able to sleep well, since these notes would only be a small help.

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