How To Prevent Hair Loss With This Home Remedy

With some of the ingredients you have in the kitchen you can make a homemade mask that will help you prevent and avoid hair loss. And in addition to strength, it will give the strands more shine and softness.

Faced with hair loss, many people look for solutions that allow them to take care of their hair and, as far as possible, keep it healthy and strong for longer. To do this, they may turn to different home remedies.

For the most part, home remedies are nutritious tonics and masks that seek to improve hair health by nourishing the strands and improving blood circulation in the head area.

Next we will share with you the recipe for a home remedy for hair loss, which together with a good diet and other good lifestyle habits, can give you good results. 

What is the cause of hair loss?

If we suffer an exaggerated or too extensive hair loss, beyond a few weeks at times of change of season, we should visit a professional who evaluates our case, since there are many causes for which we can suffer from this disorder. Some of them are the following:

  • Stress.
  • Nutritional deficits.
  • Hereditary issues.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Liver and kidney problems
  • Hormonal and metabolic disorders.

An excellent home remedy

Finding out the cause of hair loss will help us solve the problem more quickly. However, if we also carry out this home treatment we will obtain these results:

  • We will stop the fall.
  • We will have shiny and soft hair.
  • We will facilitate the appearance of new hair.
  • We will strengthen all the hair and gain volume.
  • We will nourish all the hair and we can prevent split ends.

The ingredients of the anti-hair loss remedy

The ingredients of the anti-hair loss remedy can be easily found at home or in any supermarket. They do not have a very strong smell, not even when mixed, so there is no need to fear the bad smell when mixing them and applying them to the hair, as a mask.

Raw egg yolk

Egg yolk is a food that contributes to hair health to a great extent, since its healthy fats nourish it in depth, without greasing it, while cleaning it and leaving it shiny.

Today raw egg yolk is considered especially useful for treating brittle and brittle hair, as well as those that are damaged by dyeing, perming, or other processes.

Oil of extra virgin olive

Olive oil is essential in food, but also in matters of beauty. Nourishing, moisturizing and antioxidant properties are attributed to it . In addition, it is often said that it is ideal for all types of hair and skin, even the most sensitive.

Castor oil

Castor oil is rich in omega 9 fatty acids, which deeply nourish the hair and give it a lot of shine.

This oil was used for decades to maintain the health of hair, eyelashes and eyebrows, as it has been observed that it helps to strengthen and enhance hair and hair growth.

Rosemary essential oil

Rosemary essential oil can also help support hair health. In fact, it is often said that it is good for promoting growth and, at the same time, preventing hair loss. Especially because it helps boost blood circulation in the head area.

Recipe of the remedy to prevent hair loss

How we prepare it


  • 15 drops of castor oil.
  • Optional: 5 drops of rosemary essential oil.
  • 1 or 2 raw egg yolks, depending on the amount of hair.
  • 2 tablespoons (30 g) of extra virgin olive oil.


  • We must prepare this remedy just before using it. To do this, you have to mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
  • Then, we will beat all the ingredients well until they are mixed well.
  • At the end, we can add a little water if we want the mixture to be less thick.


  • Once we have the mixture prepared, we must apply it all over the scalp, gently massaging with the fingertips to facilitate absorption.
  • We can use a plastic syringe or a spray bottle or applicator.
  • Then we will distribute the rest of the product throughout the hair.
  • When we have it well distributed, we will cover our heads with a shower or plastic cap and on top with a handkerchief or cloth to help us keep warm.
  • There are those who consider that the most effective thing is to let it act overnight and not just for a while.
  • In case we leave it overnight, the next morning, we should rinse our hair with shampoo and let the hair dry in the wind.

A good complement

To stop hair loss it is necessary to pay attention to all our habits. From the hours of rest that we enjoy every day, the diet, the level of stress that we usually have and how we manage it, to the type of hygiene products we use.

Although it may not seem like it, hair health depends on multiple factors. Therefore, although there are remedies capable of helping us a little, we must make sure to take care of our hair, from other ‘fronts’.

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