Keys To Improve Skin After Summer

The sun is a factor that has a strong influence on the skin. And what there is in summer is precisely the sun, which together with the water in the swimming pools or the sea and the wind, can cause real havoc. To improve your skin, simply implement a few simple routines.

Summer is synonymous with sun, beach, swimming pools and many other activities. It also means greater exposure to solar radiation, dryness, chlorine, dehydration, skin thickening and other problems. Therefore, it is important to find a way to improve the skin after the summer.

It all depends, of course, on what your routine was during the summer. The more exposed you have been to all those factors that affect your complexion, the more eagerly you must undertake the tasks necessary to improve the skin. The appearance of your skin will be the best indicator to know if you need a touch-up or an intensive treatment.

The good news is that most skin problems that arise in the summer can be fixed with a little persistence and a few simple tricks. Improving the skin only depends on the application of some basic measures within the daily habits. Find out!

Summer and skin

Take care of the skin after the summer

Exposure to the sun, water and wind during the summer ends up affecting your skin. The main problems that can arise are the following:

  • Appearance or deepening of wrinkles due to sun exposure. This is especially visible in the so-called “fine lines”.
  • Dehydration. The normal moisture of the skin can be altered, both by the sun and by the chemicals in the water. This leads to reddened areas, tightness, peeling and an itchy sensation. Skin looks rough, dull, and dull.
  • Blemishes on the skin. The fearsome spots are mainly caused by the sun. There are different types of stains and each of them may require a different treatment.
  • Sun damage. Sometimes the damage that the sun does to the skin is structural. In other words, it comprehensively affects the luminosity, natural color, humidity and many other properties of the skin. These cases require specialized treatment.

Improve skin after summer

In principle, the key to improving the skin after the summer is to perform a thorough cleaning, complemented with sufficient hydration. To do this, you can go to homemade formulas or go to a beauty center. Ideally, you should do both.

The steps you must follow are:

  • Cleaning. As a first measure, facial masks can be made with natural ingredients. If you think that the damage has been very deep and you want to improve the skin in a more visible way, it is advisable to do a peeling and exfoliation, hopefully in an aesthetic center.
  • Intensive hydration. It basically has to do with applying a hydrant cream several times a day to improve the skin. Regular moisturizer may not work as normal. Therefore, it is advisable to complement this measure with a homemade mask and drink at least two liters of water a day.

A very suitable cleansing mask is the mixture between an egg white and a teaspoon of honey. You apply it to your face and leave it to act for 15 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. Apply it three times a week, then twice, then once.

You can also do a basic homemade peel . The simplest is to take two teaspoons of oat flakes and a teaspoon of ground almonds. Mix in warm water until a paste forms. Apply it, leave it on for 15 minutes and remove with a cloth soaked in warm water.

Additional tips

Woman walking through the city putting on sunscreen

You will most likely have to do something to remove the blemishes from your skin as well. There is a homemade formula that can help you. It is simply a matter of squeezing a couple of lemons and applying the juice to your skin, with a cotton ball. Leave it on overnight and stir in the morning. Never expose yourself to the sun while wearing this substance, as it will accentuate the spots.

Dermatologists also recommend following some skin-enhancing care routines when summer is over. They are as follows:

  • Apply sunscreen every day, even if the sun isn’t shining.
  • Perform a complete skin hygiene in the morning and at night, every day.
  • Apply moisturizer at least twice a day.
  • Consult with your dermatologist to indicate which are the best creams for your specific case.
  • Perform a deep cleansing of the skin every week, either with homemade products or in a beauty salon.

With these simple tricks, your skin will regain its usual moisture, freshness and shine. Remember that the key is consistency. It is useless if you keep the care for a couple of weeks and then put it aside.

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