How To Eliminate Hiccups With Natural Remedies

Although one of the best known remedies to relieve hiccups is holding your breath, there are also other simple techniques that can be useful

When we were little our grandmother told us that “we were growing up” every time we had hiccups.

As we were older we realized that it was not so and that this contraction of the diaphragm is a natural process of the body. That doesn’t mean it stops being a bit annoying.

In the following article we will tell you how to remove it with natural methods and remedies.

Why hiccups occur?


Hiccups are an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm that causes slight abdominal pressure with a characteristic sound. It is something annoying and transitory.

It is rarely disabling, as it disappears in a short period of time (with rare exceptions).

Among the most common causes of the appearance of hiccups we find:

  • Consuming alcoholic beverages or spicy foods in excess.
  • Eating too fast.
  • Suffering from an episode of stress or emotional disturbance.
  • To smoke.

Hiccups can also appear after ingesting air when feeding or due to a sudden change in ambient temperature.

When hiccups last more than a few minutes, it can be caused by irritation or nerves, a disorder in the airways, or allergies to certain medications.

It is important to know that after an operation on the prostate, bladder, intestines or stomach the body produces hiccups the first few days afterwards.

Great care must be taken so that the sutures do not open with movement of the diaphragm.

Natural remedies for hiccups

Although the hiccups disappear in the same way that it occurs. sometimes it can last several minutes. In that case we can use certain very effective home methods.

1. Inhale into a paper bag

The same technique that is used to reduce dizziness and nausea when traveling can help us to eliminate hiccups.

  • Basically you should place a paper bag around the nose and mouth pressing so that the air does not escape.
  • Breathe as fast as possible 15 times. Count to 10 and drop the bag.
  • You may have to repeat it one more time to get results.

2. Drink cold water

  • Put water in a glass and add some ice cubes to cool it. Drink in one gulp and wait a few seconds.
  • If the hiccups persist, you can repeat the procedure one more time.
  • The low temperatures of the drink are a “shock” to the diaphragm and leave it at rest. Another option is to suck an ice cream for a few seconds.

3. Hold your breath

Left breath

The left breath is one of the best known and most effective techniques for cutting hiccups.

Stopping breathing for a few seconds increases the amount of carbon dioxide in your bloodstream and signals your body that something is not working properly.

This is why the diaphragm “stops” contracting.

  • Breathe as deeply as you can to fill your lungs well.
  • Don’t let the air out for at least 30 seconds and then breathe out slowly.
  • If necessary, repeat until the hiccups go away.

4. Consume a tablespoon of sugar

If you don’t like the idea or you don’t like sugar, you can try a tablespoon of honey. The sweet taste will take over your entire mouth and calm the nerve that triggers hiccups.

Another alternative is peanut butter or a very sweet dessert with a similar consistency (sticky).

5. Smell alcohol

  • Soak a cotton ball or swab with white alcohol (the one we have in the first aid kit) and pass it about 3 cm from the nose to inhale the aroma.
  • The strong odor of alcohol will quickly reach your lungs and cut through the hiccups.
  • Other options can be apple cider vinegar or a concentrated perfume.

6. Consume vinegar

If you don’t want to smell it, you can ingest it. The bitter taste of the vinegar will serve to distract the mind and give a clear signal to the diaphragm to stop its contractions.


  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar (10 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Add a tablespoon of vinegar to a glass and fill with warm water.
  • Sip slowly until the liquid is gone.

7. Consume lemon


Due to its characteristic flavor, lemon overwhelms irritated nerves and makes hiccups go away.

  • You can suck a piece of this citrus fruit, prepare a juice and drink it as quickly as possible or dilute it in water.

8. Cover your ears

Gently insert your index fingers into your ears or “wrap” the ears with the palms of your hands, applying pressure.

When the vagus nerve in the ear canal becomes “plugged”, the body goes into alert and sends the signal to the diaphragm to make the hiccups go away.

9. Consume cardamom

This spice with such a particular aroma and widely used in Indian cuisine has relaxing properties for the muscles.

  • You can sprinkle cardamom on your meals (salads, cakes, sauces) or make a tea.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of cardamom powder (5 g)


  • Heat the water and add the cardamom.
  • Let it infuse for 10 minutes and filter.
  • Drink slowly in sips.

10. Drink an infusion of chamomile

The flowers of this plant are muscle relaxants par excellence. By consuming a chamomile tea you will calm the diaphragm and the hiccups will disappear.

If you do not have bags of this tea you can buy the roots or flowers in a health food store.

What do you think of these natural remedies to relieve hiccups? Have you tried them?

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