Health Benefits Of Having A Pet

Having a pet at home conveys feelings, affections and different reactions in each of the members of the household. But, in addition, the research that has been able to verify that pets improve our quality of life.

There is no doubt that pets are great company for all people. Besides being very easy to relate to them affectively, they also occupy a very important space in the home, to the point that we come to feel like members of our family.

Surely you have or have had a pet at home and you have not thought about how important its presence can be for your health. If you still do not know the benefits of having a pet at home, then we will give you all the advantages, so that you have one or more reasons to love your animal, or encourage you to adopt one.

Having a pet reduces heart risk

A study conducted by the American Heart Association found that having a pet  can reduce the risk of heart disease. These studies determined that people who take their dog for a walk meet 54% more than the energy levels that are recommended for the daily routine. Thanks to this exercise, the person could be less prone to cardiovascular diseases.

They avoid the feeling of loneliness

Tips to live better

Having a pet at home can also help the person feel more self-confident and protected. Research on this topic suggests that having pets may confer well-being benefits, including mitigating feelings of loneliness and its related sequelae, among older adults who live alone.

Thus, especially in the case of the elderly, having a pet can be beneficial to avoid feelings of loneliness.

Reduce stress

Having a pet may help reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. This is explained by a study published in 2018 by the magazine Innovation Aging, which explains that having a pet has the potential to dampen stress responses in those with depressive symptoms.

They strengthen the immune system


It is widely believed that having pets is beneficial to humans and that part of this benefit is through favorable effects on cardiovascular risk. For example, there is evidence that dog owners are less sedentary and have lower blood pressure, plasma cholesterol and triglycerides, attenuated responses to mental stress, and better survival after myocardial infarction compared to those who do not have a heart attack. mascot.

In general, ownership of domestic pets, particularly dogs, is associated with positive health benefits . Animals provide a feeling of well-being to the person even when he is going through a bad time, this type of sensation improves the quality of life and can prolong it for a longer time.

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