Make A Homemade Soap For Oily Skin

Discover the recipe to make a homemade soap for oily skin. It is natural and will help you remove excess oil from your skin without damaging the skin.

Oily skin is prone to pimples and blackheads, as well as having an unflattering shiny appearance. If you have this problem, you can buy special cosmetic products or you can make your own homemade soap for oily skin.

Excess fat is accentuated, especially in the T zone, formed by the forehead, nose and chin. In this article we provide you with the recipe to make a homemade and natural soap that will help you eliminate that excess fat without damaging the skin.

The importance of cleaning the skin

Cleaning the face with homemade soap for oily skin

Excess fat is not only an aesthetic issue. It is also a health problem, since sebum blocks the pores of the skin and promotes the accumulation of toxins, which appear in the form of blackheads, pimples and impurities in general.

People with oily skin are the ones who must take care of cleaning their skin the most. However, it should preferably be done with products that do not damage the delicate pH of the skin, as this could have long-term consequences.

In any case, it is advisable to consult with a dermatologist the application of some natural products, in case they have adverse effects.

Homemade soap recipe for oily skin

soap mommyknows Kim Becker

In addition to using homemade soap for oily skin, it is essential that you avoid the origin of oily skin. It may be due to excess harmful fats in the diet. We recommend that you avoid or limit the following foods as much as possible:

  • Red meat and sausages.
  • Fried foods.
  • Hydrogenated or trans fats.
  • Fast food.
  • Industrial pastries.
  • Ice creams and sweet creams.

If you suffer from oily skin, go ahead and make this homemade soap to eliminate the problem. Remember that eating a balanced diet and staying hydrated is also key to the health of your skin. In addition, it is essential to go to a dermatologist to better study your case.

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