4 Harmful Effects Of The Sun On Your Skin

From skin burns, the appearance of spots, and even the dreaded skin cancer. Exposure to the sun’s rays can carry different types of risks. You need to use sunscreen and also adopt good habits.

The sun is essential for life and provides many benefits: it supports the photosynthetic life of plants and produces vitamin D in humans. However, in order to enjoy these positive aspects, exposure to the sun must be moderate, thus avoiding the harmful effects of the sun on our skin.

Indeed, although sun exposure is good, there is a limit beyond which it can be harmful to the skin, eyes and health in general. The main negative consequences of the sun on the skin range from the appearance of wrinkles and spots or premature aging, to burns, photoallergic reactions and even skin cancer.

Next, we will see four harmful effects of the sun on your skin that you should know.

Harmful effects of the sun on the skin


Man torso burned with sun-shaped cream.

Almost everyone has experienced the unpleasant symptoms of a sunburn on the skin at some time in their life . After a sunny day at the beach or in the mountains without proper protection, the pain and discomfort we feel at night are hard to forget.

When we suffer a sunburn, the skin turns red and sometimes blisters and inflammation can appear. The skin feels hot and hurts from the simple touch of clothing. In some cases, fever and dehydration may also occur; even in extreme cases burns can be second degree.

The cause of these burns are UVB rays. These produce the thickening of the epidermis as a reaction of protection of the skin against solar radiation. Symptoms appear a few hours after sun exposure, and their intensity varies depending on several factors, mainly skin phototype.

Premature aging

The negative effects of solar radiation are cumulative, although the exposures are of low intensity. One of the most visible effects over time is premature aging of the skin, which is 90% caused by exposure to the sun.

This negative effect occurs mainly through the appearance of spots, wrinkles and sagging of the skin. These are caused by the deterioration of collagen and elastin caused by repeated and excessive sun exposures.

The main responsible for premature aging of the skin caused by the sun, are UVA rays. These rays penetrate the skin and reach the dermis, causing rapid and temporary pigmentation by darkening the melanin.

To avoid these negative effects of sun exposure, it is necessary to apply a sunscreen against UVA rays all year round. Not only in summer, but whenever we expose our skin to the sun’s rays.

Sun allergy

Woman scratching her neck from allergy

Sun allergy can seem very strange if we consider that it is an element that is present all the time in our lives. And yet there are many people who suffer from it: approximately 20% of the population.

This type of pathology, in reality, is related to allergies to another class of agents such as certain foods, chlorine in swimming pools, certain creams and medications or clothing. Later, l to allergic reaction is triggered by exposure to the sun.

Skin cancer: the worst of the harmful effects of the sun

Sun exposure can also lead to skin cancer due to cell damage caused by UVB rays. Several factors are involved in the appearance of skin cancer. These include repeated exposures and sunburn, skin phototype, genetic factors, and age.

The areas most prone to developing skin cancer are those that have been most exposed to the sun, such as the face, hands or neck. Burns greatly increase the risk of skin cancer. The type of skin is also decisive: people with light skin and eyes have a higher incidence.

Family history of melanoma is also a determining factor, as is age. Thus, people over 40 years of age have a higher risk of developing skin cancer. The main types of skin cancer are melanomas and carcinomas.

Melanomas are a very aggressive and very malignant skin cancer. Carcinomas, which are the most common, tend to progress very slowly and are easier to treat.

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