Home Remedies For Dandruff And Seborrhea

In addition to adding shine to hair, apple cider vinegar is a natural antiseptic that helps eliminate oil and reduce the incidence of dandruff. However, there are other natural remedies that can help you fight scalp problems.

Both dandruff and seborrhea are two very common scalp problems  that can occur in anyone and at any age. This makes it an inconvenience that can cause a lot of discomfort to people who suffer from it.

When flake-like dandruff is present, the scalp may be dry.  For this reason, it releases those small particles that usually fall on the shoulders and, if we wear dark clothes, they look terrible. In addition, people who suffer from it feel quite uncomfortable and self-conscious to show off their hair down.

In the case of seborrhea, the problem is even more serious, since crusts form on the scalp that peel off and cause redness, itching and hair loss. In some cases they even generate some type of infection.

Be that as it may, if the problem persists over time, it is advisable to go to the family doctor or dermatologist.

What Causes Dandruff?

Dandruff can be caused by several factors. Among them, the following stand out:

  • Presence of a fungus.
  • Bad nutrition.
  • Excess stress.
  • Use of treatments and chemicals (such as dyes, for example).

To find a way out of your uncomfortable symptoms, we are going to recommend some home remedies that are very effective in improving these scalp conditions.

Reduce the symptoms of seborrhea with pure honey

A very effective home remedy for seborrhea is based on pure honey,  as it has a healing power on this scalp problem. This food contains a powerful antibacterial potential, widely used since ancient times to treat skin conditions.

To perform this home remedy, you must make a mixture of 90% pure honey with 10% warm water. Once ready, it is applied to the entire scalp with a gentle massage; Immediately afterwards, the head is covered with a cloth and left to act for at least three hours, then rinsed with warm water.

This treatment should be done every day for a month. After this, it should be continued for six months, but only once a week. In this way, the discomfort gradually disappears; After six months, all complications should have completely disappeared.

Additional treatments and recommendations

In addition to the one mentioned previously, there are other alternatives for the treatment of seborrhea that can be very helpful:

  • Prepare an infusion with a few branches of dandelion in a pot of boiling water, let it cool and drink. This drink is an antioxidant and has been shown to be very influential on other skin problems, such as psoriasis.
  • Another very appropriate infusion to solve this type of scalp problems is prepared with horsetail. To do this, proceed in the same way, with the only difference that a tablespoon of the dried plant is used for each cup of water and is taken once a day.
  • When problems of excess oil appear in the hair, you can cook a bunch of cypress branches in a liter of water.  However, there is not enough scientific evidence to support its effectiveness.

On the other hand, it should be noted that those who have this problem must take good care of their diet in order not to worsen these symptoms. High-fat foods such as fried foods, processed foods, and sauces should be avoided as much as possible.

Likewise, it is also advisable to eat kinds of vegetables, especially those that are rich in selenium and zinc, such as cucumber, pumpkin, onions, asparagus, aubergines, figs and walnuts, among others.

Home remedies for dandruff

Apple vinager

The following are three extremely effective ingredients and preparations to fight dandruff naturally. Feel free to give them a try!

Apple vinager

To reduce the production of dandruff, rubbing the scalp with apple cider vinegar is very effective.  This is applied by gently massaging with the fingers, left to act for twenty minutes and rinsed with plenty of warm water. You can apply this remedy two to three a week.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil can also be an effective remedy. This natural product has antibacterial properties, it is antiseptic, antifungal and antibiotic, so it offers great hope for a prompt solution to this problem.

Apple cider vinegar, rosemary and mint

A home remedy that gives great results in a short time is the one prepared with apple cider vinegar, rosemary and mint. To prepare it, you need a liter of apple cider vinegar, a few fresh sprigs of rosemary and a few fresh sprigs of mint.

The first step is to put the apple cider vinegar in a bottle with a lid and add the two branches. Then, it should be covered well and placed in a dark place at room temperature to let it rest for at least twenty days.

As this time passes, it is strained and repackaged. With this preparation, a gentle massage should be done on the entire scalp. After letting it act for 15 or 20 minutes, finish by washing the hair as usual.

Finally, it is recommended to wash your hair frequently. With this simple care, the formation of fat is avoided, which can worsen the appearance and condition of the hair and the scalp in general.

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