Recipe For Apples In Shirt

Do you know the recipe for apples in a shirt? It is a very simple preparation but with a really delicious taste. Best of all, it doesn’t require a lot of ingredients.

However, the great advantage of the recipe is its star ingredient: apple, a very versatile fruit that combines its flavor with other ingredients very well.

With this simple dessert you can enjoy with your loved ones on any occasion, so don’t miss the opportunity to prepare it. Cheer up ”

Shirt apples recipe

Apples in a shirt are a different and nutritious dessert that can be obtained at a very low price, since apples are usually one of the cheapest fruits on the market. Of course, you have to take into account the brand and the season.

Ingredients of apples in shirt


  • 4 apples.
  • 1 beaten egg (60 g).
  • 2 cups of flour (200 g).
  • 4 tablespoons of milk (40 ml).
  • 6 tablespoons of butter (60 g).
  • 4 and a half tablespoons of sugar (45 g).



  • Step 1.  Pour the flour into the bowl along with the sugar, a little milk and the butter.
  • Step 2. Mix with clean and dry hands until you get a consistent dough.
  • Step 3. Peel and core the apples.
  • Step 4. Roll out the dough and cut it into a circumference. Repeat the process 4 times, to be able to coat the 4 pieces of fruit later.


  • Step 5. Wrap the apples with the dough circles.
  • Step 6. Brush them with the beaten egg.
  • Step 7. Take them to the oven at 180 ºC and cook for 25 minutes.
  • Step 8. Remove your jacketed apples from the oven, serve and enjoy.

Curiosities of apples

1. Did you know that apples are native to Asia?

The apples come from the Tian Shan Mountains,  a border area between China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. However, over the years, the conquest and colonization of territories, apple cultivation spread throughout the world.

2. There are hundreds of varieties of apple

It is estimated that it would take a person 20 years to taste all the different varieties of apple. And it is that, in the world there are around 7,500 varieties of apple, of which 2,500 are grown in the United States.

3. It is better to keep them in the refrigerator

Apples keep better in the refrigerator than at room temperature. However, if you want to mature it soon, it is best to leave it outdoors.

An apple in the open air ripens 6 to 10 times faster than in the refrigerator.

4 Helps clean teeth

Although an apple does not work as a mouthwash, eating an apple does contribute to dental cleaning and the removal of yellowish stains on the teeth. This is due to the acid in apples, which helps fight bacteria and clean teeth.

5. Helps to ripen other fruits

If you want to speed up the ripening process of other fruits, place them in the same bag or container with an apple. This is due to ethylene.

6. Could cause allergies

Although there are very few cases, in some people apples could cause allergic reactions. Specialists believe that the birch pollen found in the shell could cause irritation in the throat.

7. Help burn fat

The apple is a fruit rich in antioxidants and other nutrients that support the diet of those who want to lose weight very well.

According to research from the University of Iowa (United States), the ursolic acid found in apple peel could help reduce brown fat, avoiding obesity and overweight problems.

8. Prevents respiratory problems

Consuming apple helps to strengthen the immune system and also improves your lung capacity. This benefit is attributed to its high content of the antioxidant quercetin.

9. It is a very healthy food

The apple is a food that we can consume regularly, since it contains fiber, vitamins A and E, calcium, boron, potassium, is low in calories, has very little sodium and does not contain fat or cholesterol.

In addition, it is rich in polyphenols (antioxidants), which help fight the effect of free radicals in the body and prevent premature aging.

Now that you know all these interesting facts about this famous fruit, you will be able to enjoy your dessert of apples in a shirt with greater pleasure.

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