How To Stop Mycosis In The Feet: 6 Home Remedies

The mycosis in the feet is very contagious, so we must take extreme precautions so that the fungi do not spread to other areas of the body.

Mycosis in the feet (what we commonly understand as athlete’s foot ) is a superficial infection that can be very annoying, as well as unsightly. Therefore, it is common for patients to want to treat it as soon as possible, even with home remedies.

According to experts from the Barcelona College of Pharmacists: ” Most of these mycoses produce itching, sometimes very intense, but some go unnoticed and are only detected by small spots on the skin.” Let’s see more about it below.

Athlete’s foot: a common infection

The fungal infection in the feet or athlete’s foot usually appears on the sole, the edges and the spaces between the toes. It is caused mainly by dermatophyte fungi and is quite common at any age.

According to experts, the most common predisposing factors are humidity, occlusion and trauma. This explains why it is so easy for foot fungus to proliferate, as footwear and socks are the ideal environment for them.

Other risk factors for the appearance of this condition indicated by an article from the United States National Library of Medicine are the following:

  • Being an athlete.
  • Use public showers.
  • Not drying your feet well after showering.
  • Not properly ventilating shoes on a daily basis.
  • Wear closed and damp footwear for long periods of time.
  • Having diabetes mellitus, ichthyosis or palmar-plantar keratoderma.
  • Being under treatment with immunosuppressants or chemotherapy drugs.
  • Get in contact with infected areas, either directly or through objects and public places such as saunas, swimming pools and carpets.

Foot fungal infection is highly contagious on contact. It can cause redness, itching, a bad smell, the appearance of cracks and vesicles on the feet, which can be complicated if it is not treated early and properly.

In addition to maintaining good hygiene, it is advisable to wear good quality footwear and socks, made with materials that allow ventilation and perspiration.

5 Remedies to combat mycosis in the feet

According to popular wisdom, it would be possible to combat mycosis in the feet with the following remedies that we are going to analyze below. It should be noted that all are supported exclusively by anecdotal data and that, therefore, they should not be understood as a substitute for what the doctor may guide.


6 side effects of excess apple cider vinegar

Vinegar has antibacterial and antifungal properties; For this reason, it has been recommended for many years to alleviate the symptoms of athlete’s foot. Its high content of acetic acid would create a negative environment for dermatophyte fungi and improve the odor of the feet.

It is used to prepare foot baths. To do this, mix one part vinegar in two parts water. Then, the feet are submerged and it is left to act for a few minutes. The feet are removed and dried well with a clean towel.

Sodium bicarbonate

As well as being considered useful for deodorizing the feet and armpits, it is also believed that sodium bicarbonate would be a good ally against mycosis of the feet, as indicated in a study entitled Antifungal activity of sodium bicarbonate against fungal agents causing superficial infections.

You can moisten a cotton ball with bicarbonate and pass it over the affected area. It also works as a natural exfoliator, removing dead cells and facilitating the removal of calluses. Rinse well and dry properly after use.

Garlic oil

It is considered that, due to its allicin content, garlic oil would also have antifungal properties to combat athlete’s foot. However, it must be taken into account that its smell is quite strong.

To take advantage of its benefits, we should chop several cloves, place them in a jar and add enough olive oil to cover them completely. We let it sit for a couple of days and it will be ready for use.

Then, we moisten a cotton ball in the preparation and apply it all over the affected area. If the smell causes annoying, we can do it at night so that it acts while we sleep and, the next day, we wash and dry well.


Glycerin Lemon Foot Bath

It is said that this fruit – because of its citric acid – would have the same effect as vinegar with respect to athlete’s foot and, in addition, it would help to give a fresh smell to the feet.

To take advantage of its antifungal benefits, you should squeeze a lemon and reserve the juice. Then, we apply it 2 times a day to the affected area with the help of a cotton ball. Let it act for a few minutes and rinse very well with water and disinfectant soap. It is recommended to avoid sunbathing, as the skin could get stained.

Salt bath to combat mycosis on the feet

Salt is believed to have antibacterial properties. However, we have not found data in this regard. We would only need to dissolve 5 tablespoons of salt in a liter of warm water and soak the feet in this solution for 15 minutes. Of course, this remedy should not be used if you have wounds.

What to do against mycosis on the feet?

As we can see, there are several remedies for mycosis in the feet that could be useful as suggested by anecdotal data. However, it is always recommended to consult a dermatologist for a timely diagnosis and treatment.

Faced with the presence of symptoms that could be consistent with mycosis in the feet (or the famous athlete’s foot), the best option is, as we have already pointed out, to request an appointment with the doctor.

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