How To Take Care Of The Skin During Menopause

The stage of menopause is common and natural in the development of women. This brings with it some consequences, including dry skin. What to do to treat it? How to take care of the skin during menopause?

Taking care of the skin during menopause should be one of the top priorities for women when they reach this stage. Not only for a matter of “maintaining youth” but to minimize as much as possible the alterations that the skin may suffer. 

According to a study entitled Dermatological disorders during menopause “most of the care for women reaching climacteric is aimed at bone and cardiovascular disorders. However, the skin also undergoes significant changes at this stage of life. ” These changes are related to the decrease in the production of cutaneous collagen, which influences the acceleration of aging.

Dryness, loss of elasticity, the appearance of wrinkles are the main alterations that can be appreciated and the ones that are most interesting to combat in the first instance. However, there may be others to attend to, depending on the condition of the skin and the health of each woman.

Caring for your skin during menopause is not difficult

With the help of a good dermatologist, caring for your skin during menopause is neither a feat nor a great difficulty. In fact, there are common guidelines that are very easy to adopt and maintain, such as:

  • Use sun protection daily
  • Drink enough water throughout the day
  • Use a moisturizer for both day and night, according to skin type
  • Exercising regularly, as this contributes significantly to skin health
  • Maintain a balanced diet, which also includes foods rich in antioxidants

According to the article cited above, “although there is no scientific evidence that the systemic administration of vitamins improves the skin of menopausal women, its known antioxidant action has promoted the use of this supplementary therapy. The most recommended are vitamins C and E ”.

Ideal exercises for those over forty.

Foods that provide vitamin E

Alternative cosmetics can help take care of the skin during menopause

In addition to all the aforementioned, there are women who turn to alternative cosmetics to take care of their skin during menopause. In this sense, it is very common for them to resort to products with aloe vera to hydrate the skin, as well as regenerate it and keep it soft and healthy.

Aloe vera is a plant that has been used frequently in skin care. Today, various investigations have been able to verify that its properties act under the dermis, the deepest layer.

According to this research published in the Mexican Journal of Chemical Engineering, aloe vera has several uses in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Also, the most used part of this plant is the gel, due to its antioxidant properties, amino acids and its contribution of vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, sodium, calcium and iron.

Aloe vera treatment for wrinkles

aloe vera.

According to popular wisdom, this aloe-based anti-wrinkle treatment can make skin look healthier and more hydrated. It can supply oxygen to the cells of the skin so that they increase their elasticity and at the same time regenerate the tissues that compose it.


  • 2 aloe crystals.
  • 1 cup of cold water (250 ml).
  • A clean towel.


  • First, it is suggested to wash your face well.
  • Then, with the aloe crystals, a mask that covers the face will be applied.
  • Then it can be left to act for 20 minutes.
  • The next step would be to remove the mask with warm water and dry with a clean towel.


This information from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) explains that the fats contained in avocado are mostly unsaturated (monounsaturated), highlighting its content in oleic acid, which is a monounsaturated fatty acid.

Since avocado contains fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, then popular wisdom suggests that a skin mask can be made. This mask can provide hydration and radiance to the skin, which can help take care of the skin during menopause.

To prepare it, you can crush half an avocado until you get a very homogeneous texture. It is recommended to apply the mixture directly to the face and leave it to act for a period of 20 to 30 minutes. Finally, you can rinse your face with plenty of warm water.

Anti-wrinkle treatment with avocado

Avocado, honey and egg mask

This type of treatment has been used in recent years. The cosmetic industry and areas that work with beauty recommend them. However, to date there are no scientific studies to support the results.


  • 3 slices of avocado.
  • 5 drops of almond oil.
  • A disposer.


  • First, mash the three avocado slices until you get a homogeneous paste.
  • Then add the five drops of almond oil and mix well for one minute.
  • Once the mixture is ready, apply the eye contour for 10 minutes.

Additional tips

Coping with all the changes that menopause brings with it is considered a challenge for women. However, it is possible to cope with it if we follow some basic tips such as regular moderate physical exercise, maintaining healthy eating habits, moderating the consumption of alcohol and coffee, avoiding tobacco, and having regular blood pressure, cholesterol and blood pressure checks. glucose.

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