4 Strange Symptoms Of Stress And 4 Quick Strategies To Deal With Them

Stress is a natural and instinctive response of our brain that has a very specific purpose: to get us to react to one or more stimuli that it considers dangerous. Now, we don’t have to see this emotional response as negative. It can be positive.

It should be remembered that the stress that is controlled, that is regulated and that is channeled as an adequate motivator, allows us to put in place coping mechanisms for moments of difficulty. However, what happens in our day to day is that we do not usually handle it correctly.

Stress usually progresses slowly and progressively. They are “many few doing a lot” until, suddenly, and without knowing how, everything surpasses us.

Likewise, it should be remembered that stress is accompanied by specific physical and emotional symptoms. It is therefore essential that we learn to recognize and identify them early before the consequences that leave us are serious.

Here are 4 indicators and a simple way to deal with them.

1. Tension in the jaw and headache

There are days or weeks when we are accompanied by a constant and strange annoyance: jaw pain.

  • We don’t always associate it with stress. We try to find other sources without knowing that the jaw is a fundamental part of the stress response. Since it prepares us for self-protection, increasing blood flow to this area, the neck and the head.
  • It is common to feel intense agitation in the highest area of ​​our body and, specifically, in the jaw. We clench our teeth more, grind them at night and wake up with a headache.

If you suffer from these same symptoms, go to the doctor to rule out that it is something serious. In the meantime, take note of the strategies you can take to alleviate this discomfort.

Keys to soothe jaw pain

  • Chew a stick of celery, little by little. It will help you relieve tension in this area.
  • Performing progressive relaxation exercises will help us a lot.
  • We can start this exercise routine by tensing the muscles of the forehead, to do this, raise your eyebrows as much as possible for 30 seconds, then relax.
  • Next, draw an exaggerated smile for 30 seconds, and relax.
  • Next, open your mouth as far as possible and hold that gesture for another 30 seconds. Relax.
  • Finally, massage your nasal septum for a few minutes, right in that area where your eyes meet.

2. Cramps in the abdomen and its relation to stress

Sharp pain in the lower belly

Stress causes a direct alteration on our stomach and intestines. We cannot forget that the stomach is our “second brain” and that both are in constant communication.

In our abdomen there is a whole “somatic marker”. Hence, it is common to feel from cramps, stomach noises, tightness, knotty sensation and some burning in the area of ​​the solar plexus, just below the sternum.

How to relieve abdominal pain associated with stress

  • Lie on your back and bend your legs.
  • Place your hands on your belly.
  • Take a deep breath: take a breath for 5 seconds. Hold that air for another 5 seconds and exhale for 7 seconds.
  • After that simple exercise, have an infusion of peppermint or chamomile.

3. Pain in the eyes

Eye pain is also associated with stress processes. It has a lot to do with hypertension, with that blood pressure that inflames and reddens the capillaries in this area.

  • It is something dangerous, something that usually starts with a slight itch and with the feeling that we have “grit” in our eyes.
  • It is common to find rest when we close them and, in turn, it can be located in only one eye or in both.
  • In case this discomfort lasts more than 3 or 4 days, consult your doctor.

How to relieve stress-related eye pain

The ideal is to rest our eyes for 24-48 hours. This implies leaving aside computer screens, mobile phones, television. ..

  • Moisturize your eyes, walk through a natural environment and let the fresh air envelop you and relax you.
  • Lie down for half an hour and apply used tea or chamomile bags to your eyes, as well as cucumber slices, whichever is most comfortable for you.

4. Recurring thoughts


Be careful, because a direct way to intensify our stress even more is not to put the torrent of our thoughts under control.

So far, we have detailed all those physical or organic symptoms associated with stress. However, intrusive thoughts are the most obvious reflection of a brain where, day after day, the stress hormone continues to cause a serious impact.

  • Anticipating what is going to happen or could happen, obsessing over what they have told us, what could have happened, what we could or could not do, can become excessively exhausted.
  • Intrusive thoughts take away our calm and, in turn, make us sick. They make us lose control over reality, over the here and now.

You need to manage these situations.

Keys to breaking the flow of intrusive thoughts

When the mind tortures us with obsessive words, ideas and thoughts, find a moment for yourself and say aloud these words: “I am calm, in my mind there is only silence.”

  • Take a deep breath, and try to focus on the present moment.
  • You must be very aware of when these thoughts imprison you and take you out of control. When this happens, another simple strategy is to go for a walk, swim, or dance.

Physical exercise, as well as reading or yoga, are wonderful to calm the mind and to relieve, little by little, our stress.

Try to put these simple recommendations into practice in specific moments of stress, it will be very useful. Remember that if this sensation persists and remains constant over time, it is preferable that you go to the specialist. In this way, they will be able to advise you and make sure that you face them in the best possible way.

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