7 Foods That Help You Control Blood Pressure

A balanced diet can be a great complement to control blood pressure, so we should include in our diet those ingredients that help us improve our condition

High blood pressure is a medical condition that causes blood to flow through the arteries much faster than it should. High blood pressure is the main risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. However, through a proper diet we can control blood pressure.

There are several issues that can play a role in this phenomenon and cause blood pressure to rise to potentially dangerous levels. The factors that most affect blood pressure are:

  • Being constantly under stress.
  • Eat red meat and foods high in cholesterol very regularly .
  • Tobacco
  • The alcohol.
  • To live a sedentary lifestyle.

To prevent serious problems, you can include the following foods.

Foods that help control blood pressure

1. The banana

An average size banana has around 450 mg of potassium, making it one of the most powerful natural medicines for controlling blood pressure. . It is because This mineral helps to control sodium in your body.

As you already know, if you consume very high amounts of salt, your blood pressure will surely be affected. In addition to taking care of the amount of salt you consume, you must pay close attention to the potassium levels in your body.

A deficiency in potassium can cause the balance with sodium to be out of balance and many functions of your body are compromised.

2. Pumpkin seeds


Controlling blood pressure can be much easier if you consume pumpkin seeds. Thanks to their high zinc content, they can help reverse the effects of hypertension.

When the body does not receive the necessary amounts of zinc, the arteries are affected because they lose their elasticity, which will end up causing inflammation in them.

In addition, Pumpkin seeds they have a pleasant flavor and are a rich source of:

  • Protein
  • Fatty acids
  • Minerals
  • Amino acids

All this makes them good anti-inflammatory, emollient and antiparasitic.

3. Garlic

Garlic, without a doubt, will help you control blood pressure . Not only does it act as a blood thinner, but it also allows you to treat conditions such as:

  • Hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis
  • Heart attacks
  • Coronary heart disease

All this is due to the large amount of vitamin C, vitamin B6 and manganese that garlic provides us.

4. Yogurt

The consumption of calcium is very important, both for children and adults. When you regularly consume foods rich in calcium and meet a daily quota of 100 to 150 milligrams, you are reducing the risk of suffering from high blood pressure.

Yogurt provides your body with a wide variety of nutrients such as calcium, protein, and others such as potassium and magnesium. Calcium, in particular, helps you control your blood pressure by keeping your blood pH under control.

This keeps your body in a state of alkalinity that prevents blood pressure from rising.

5. Potatoes

Potatoes are a very healthy food if you eat them the right way and in the right amount. Remember we mentioned how important potassium is when trying to control blood pressure? Well you should know that potatoes they are an important source of potassium.

However, according to a study published in the journal BMJ , eating four or more servings of potatoes weekly can increase the risk of hypertension. Although they are a rich source of potassium, they are also rich in carbohydrates. Potatoes contain a high glycemic index that carries a risk of increasing blood sugar levels.

However, subsequent studies suggest that it cannot be concluded that the potato is to blame for the increase in blood pressure. In addition, the cooking method must be taken into account, which can cause many of its nutrients to be lost.

6. Watermelon seedsWatermelon seeds

These seeds are often discarded because their health benefits are unknown.

These small ones contain cucurbocitrin, a substance that has the ability to help the kidneys function and dilate the blood vessels. This makes them ideal for fighting blood pressure.

Place a few slightly crushed watermelon seeds in a bowl of boiled water, let it steep for at least an hour, and consume in small amounts throughout the day.

7. The onion

Like garlic, onion has great properties, both for the health of your arteries and for your entire body. The onion helps you improve blood circulation and fights factors such as cholesterol in addition to hypertension .

This is due to its high content of:

  • Essential oils
  • Group B vitamins
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin C
  • Minerals (potassium, m agnesio, f phosphorus, c alcio, s I hate sulfur)

Try to add the onion in cooking that includes little fat. You can also include it in delicious salads with lemon or in soups.

Keep in mind that you should not ignore the opinion of health professionals, so you should combine these foods with the supervision of your doctor. This way you will avoid putting your life at risk unnecessarily.

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