Why Is It Important To Eat A Pear A Day?

“Be healthier than a pear.” Surely you have ever heard this expression. And it is that the popular proverb is never wrong. The pear is undoubtedly one of the most beneficial and healthy fruits that exist, a treasure of refreshing properties that you should not miss. How about we include it in our diet on a daily basis? Take a pear a day and you will not regret it.

Pear red, green, yellow … there are many kinds, and they are all just as healthy. Source of water, fiber, vitamins and minerals, they are suitable for all members of the family, and an ideal component for your desserts and your juices at breakfast. But let’s learn more about them.

Benefits of a pear a day

The pears have vitamins A, B, C and E,  folic acid, fiber, potassium, mineral salts, iodine, iron and calcium sugars. They are a perfect vitamin supplement with which to start the days, hence it is usually recommended as an essential piece of fruit at breakfast.

They are antibacterial

Thanks to their tannins and caffeic acid, they protect us against different infections and diseases.

Fight free radicals

We already know: free radicals are those harmful elements that attack our cells causing aging.

Pears are very rich in antioxidants. Hence, it is more than perfect to maintain our youth. In addition, its high content of vitamin C, almost 13%, as well as its vitamin K values, is fantastic. An ideal source for our health.

Take care of our heart

Regulates blood circulation and prevents strokes. Fiber is present in pears in very high amounts, which helps to eliminate bile salts, and to reduce the so-called bad cholesterol. What’s more, there are numerous studies that tell us that taking a pear a day reduces stroke by 50%.

Prevents cancer

Its high content of antioxidants, Vitamin C, and fiber and its content of folic acid, ideal for cell building, make them an excellent protector for various types of cancer.

In fact, there are numerous investigations that speak of how pears can help expel carcinogenic chemicals that accumulate in the colon. It is also an excellent mediator for women of menopausal age, protecting them against breast cancer.

Relieves constipation

Thanks to their high fiber content and their detoxifying properties, they are an excellent way to favor our intestines and protect our flora, avoiding those days when it is more difficult for us to go to the bathroom. A pear a day can help your transit.

Regulates heavy digestions

If you usually suffer when it comes to digestion, and you feel bloated, heavy and gassy, ​​do not hesitate to take for example a pear juice, or a natural pear. Its pectin-based content is very positive to avoid these effects of heavy digestions.

Pear Juice Recipe

Pear juice

We can find pears throughout the year. Everything will depend on the type, but according to experts they tend to be especially good from June to February of the following year. If it is possible for you to acquire them and you see them at a good price, we encourage you from here to consume one every day.

Well naturally, in jams, baked or in a juice in your breakfasts. We therefore provide you with the recipe for a simple and nutritious juice that is very beneficial to start the day.

What do you need?

  • Two pears
  • Half a glass of water
  • A teaspoon of honey
  • A splash of lemon juice

How do we prepare it?

The first thing is to wash the two pears well and peel them. Once you have them ready, cut them into two halves and take them to the blender. Once the juice is obtained, mix it with water so that it is not so thick. Add a few drops of lemon juice, and the tablespoon of honey as a sweetener. If you add an ice cube it will be as refreshing as it is delicious.

So far the benefits of eating a pear a day. To know more:

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