Separation In Older People: Tips To Deal With It

Divorce is always a complicated process for the people involved. Special is the case of separation in older people; It can get a little more difficult to deal with, because these are cases where you have been together for quite a few years.

However, a curious fact is that, in recent times, the rates of separation in old age have increased considerably. 

Is there a way to better deal with this situation? Yes! If you are living a separation in this period of your life, then stay to see some tips.

Divorce in old age can be as traumatic as in any other stage of life and requires professional help to preserve balance and mental health.

What are the possible causes of separation in older people?

Although divorces or separations in older people are not the most common, they are the ones that have increased the most in recent years. However, there is nothing extraordinary about this process, since age does not make a divorce special or unique. In reality, the causes may be the same as those that would cause it in another stage.

The Spanish psychologist Monserrat Lacalle assures us that the separation in the elderly comes to surprise us because, sometimes, it seems as if old age were a stage off the rest of the phases of life. But the causes of a divorce after 50 can be the same.

According to Lacalle, social, demographic and economic factors will always be elements that influence and are considered as possible causes of separation, both in older people and in younger people. Those who are over 50 years old and are in that age range have an intellectual level that allows them to leave a relationship if the objectives set are no longer met.

The stability factor can also be one of the possible causes of separation in older people. In this phase of life it is much more practical, since the mortgage is paid, the children are older and, in general, they do not have the same commitments or responsibilities as in previous years.

The economic liberation of women may be an incident factor. After years of living with women tied to the responsibilities of the house, the care of the husband and also of the children; Between 50 and 70 a level of freedom is reached that makes them want to exercise it.

Other reasons why separation occurs in older people are the following:

  • Stress.
  • Lack of communication.
  • Depression and monotony.
Older woman carries out personal projects after separating.

Tips for dealing with a separation in older people

Now, although separation in elders is common, it does not mean that it is not a difficult process to face for many people.

We have compiled a series of tips to make your breakup much more bearable and preserve your mental health.

1. Think about your health

Sometimes it becomes normal to superimpose the well-being of others before our own. The north in a separation should be your own sanity.

According to the American Medical Association , women who remained in an unhealthy relationship were 2.9 more likely to have a coronary event than those who were not. That is why it is not advisable to perpetuate toxic links.

2. See a professional

The therapist or psychologist is essential in the separation processes; not only for those involved, but also for the children. This professional is a good ally to find the path again, which in some cases seems to be blurred.

In addition, he is an impartial figure to give you advice and to preserve your mental health and that of your entire family.

3. Take up habits that make you happy

Your life before you got married was different. Perhaps after marriage you have stopped doing things that fulfilled or made you happy. It is the perfect time to resume those activities and discover new passions.

Who said it was late? It never is for happiness. Dedicate yourself to living and enjoy the little moments; you will see how again you will feel that you fill the voids.

4. Stay active

You will surely have a lot of free time now. Then, it is time for you to look for new activities, such as walking, doing some type of exercise or things that you always wanted to do and that until now you have not been able to.

Don’t let depression or sadness win you over by being in bed all day. Take advantage of the time and enjoy life and the new stage that you are beginning.

5. Do not stay in denial

Denial is one of the stages in processes like this. No one said that a separation into older people would be easy. But the key is to recognize that the relationship is over, despite all the years of coexistence that you may have had. Keep your distance with your now ex partner and focus on taking advantage of all the moments.

Professional help for separation in older adults.

6. Take shelter

Social support cannot be lacking in any process of breakup or divorce. Feel free to turn to your children, friends or family with whom you feel confident to talk about what you are feeling.

In this type of situation, it is essential to vent feelings, since this way you will not leave repressed emotions that can cause you psychological damage.

Separation in older people involves grief

Faced with a separation in couples over 50 you must see that loneliness is not your enemy. Those in this age range may believe that it is impossible to be alone, but the truth is that it is not worth risking happiness just to maintain a status in society.

If you no longer feel happy with your partner, it is not the time to limit yourself just by believing that you cannot face loneliness.

Give time to discover how feelings of guilt and hopelessness disappear. You will begin to see how life continues and fear of the future will no longer be part of your daily life. Remember to support yourself with a professional to stay on course.

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