Take Care Of Your Digestive System With Soursop Water (graviola)

Spectacular plant and fruit that grows in tropical areas. An assorted natural treasure of great properties that medicine does not stop studying. Soursop, also known as graviola, is an advisable plant for consumption. Plus, it’s delicious and full of vitamins. We explain how to prepare soursop water!

Soursop water benefits

Source of vitamins and minerals

According to this study, the pulp of the soursop and, consequently, its water, is a natural source of fiber. It also has rivoflavin, thiamine, and vitamin B6.

Take care of our intestinal flora

That’s right, among the benefits of soursop, are its properties to take care of our intestinal flora.

Its regular consumption strengthens our intestines and their internal health. Since they can maintain those essential microorganisms that favor our digestions. These eliminate harmful toxins, bacteria and yeasts that also make our colon sick.

And it is precisely thanks to these faculties, why it is often said that this fruit can prevent different types of cancer such as colon cancer. Do not hesitate, consume it regularly and you will be taking care of your health.

To treat irritable bowel

Nutritionists recommend that we regularly drink soursop water every night for a week, to treat this disease. In the morning we will start the day with papaya. In this way we can heal the irritable colon by lowering its inflammation. This way we will improve possible processes of diarrhea or constipation.

Diuretic and detoxifier

Its wonderful source of fiber and the presence of certain digestive enzymes will allow the food we eat to be synthesized in a healthier way. In addition, due to its diuretic properties we will eliminate liquids, toxins and harmful elements from our body.

We also tell you that drinking its water is a good remedy to cure possible urine infections.

Take care of our liver and kidneys

It is worth noting the many studies carried out on this wonderful fruit. It is an excellent protector of all our organs. Especially from the digestives. And of those that filter, purify, synthesize … Their mission is to eliminate any harmful element favoring their activity.

In addition, it regulates hypertension. It is wonderful for treating diabetes, eliminating high blood sugar, reducing triglycerides … All this harmonizes the functionality of the liver and kidneys, thus offering us a better quality of life.

Ally to fight cancer

Soursop (graviola) has great and effective properties. Not only to fight many types of cancer, but also to raise the defenses. It is recommended in the case of people who are undergoing chemotherapy.

But beware, according to these studies we must be clear that soursop does not cure cancer.  What it does is inhibit the proliferation of many types of cancer cells. And this is achieved thanks to a substance called “anonazines” that acts on the membrane of these cells to destroy them.

That is, taking this fruit is ideal for all those people who are suffering from this harsh disease. It is perfect for raising your defenses after chemotherapy sessions. Also to prevent cancer cells (some) from proliferating.

How to prepare soursop water?

soursop water

What I need?

It is clear that there are many recipes and ways to make soursop water. We provide you with a tasty recipe with ingredients that will undoubtedly enhance its healthy properties. Take note!

  •  A ripe soursop
  • ½ cup of any plant milk (oatmeal, almonds, soy …)
  • 1 tablespoon of nutmeg
  • A tablespoon of grated ginger
  • A teaspoon of honey

How do I prepare it?

  • The first thing is to peel the fruit, carefully. Now, to get its juice we will have to press it. We can help ourselves with a strainer and a spoon to force ourselves to extract its juice. We can also use the mixer. But remember above all to remove the seeds first, as well as the most fibrous part.
  • Now, once the juice is obtained, add the vegetable milk and that teaspoon of nutmeg.  You can also include vanilla if you wish in addition to that ginger zest and the teaspoon of honey. Mix the ingredients well and add a few ice cubes.

It is simply delicious. If you take it every day, the health of your digestive system and your general well-being will notice it. Include this rich fruit in your diet and… Enjoy it!

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