Detox Infusions, Myth Or Reality?

We can take advantage of all the benefits of lemon if we take it as an infusion. It will help us detoxify our body and prevent cardiovascular problems.

As we know, our body usually houses different toxins that can severely affect our health. Therefore, it is very important to be able to eliminate them in order to enjoy good health. That is why below we present the best detoxifying infusions.

The first thing we should know is that we should not exceed the consumption of any of these infusions.  According to various investigations, it is important that in the event of any ailment we first consult with our doctor and he establishes, if he considers it appropriate, an added pharmacovigilance.

There is no scientific evidence that medicinal herbs detoxify our body. It is the body itself that naturally detoxifies itself.

However, it is also true that we can help you with the moderate intake of these delicious and simple infusions. You just have to try them!

Detox infusions

Grapefruit or grapefruit infusion

This type of infusion is perfect to decrease appetite, increasing the feeling of satiety, as well as stimulating digestion. In this way we can even lose weight. For its part, its preparation is very simple:

  • just add a few grapefruit wedges to boiling water and then mash them. The infusion should be drunk instantly.

Thyme infusion


The thyme infusion helps to cleanse the body and is digestive,  fighting overweight and other types of ailments. In addition, many people use it to avoid bad breath, since according to numerous studies, it performs a great antiseptic function.

The preparation of this infusion consists of adding a tablespoon of thyme to a cup of boiling water and letting it rest for ten minutes.

Dandelion infusion

This infusion can help us cleanse our liver, in addition to having a powerful diuretic effect. It is also very effective in cases of constipation.

To prepare it, you just have to add a tablespoon of dandelion leaves in a cup of boiling water and let them rest there for about ten minutes. Finally the infusion is strained and drunk at the moment.

Lemon infusion

Lemon is one of the most wonderful fruits that exist. Although many people do not know it, this citrus fruit has multiple benefits for our health.

In this case, a lemon infusion is ideal for detoxifying our body, thanks to the fact that it is an extremely effective natural antiseptic. Likewise, it could be used in cases of fever or diarrhea, although there is no clinical evidence in this regard. Its preparation is the same as other infusions.

Celery infusion

This vegetable contains a large amount of essential oils, making it a very good option to detoxify our body. Some of its greatest benefits are its diuretic effect and its acceleration of intestinal transit.

Its preparation consists of adding a few pieces of the celery stalk to a cup of boiling water and letting them rest there for ten minutes.

Laurel infusion

Bay leaf is a very good leaf to deotoxify our body. It serves mainly for the renal system, stimulating diuresis, in addition to preventing fluid retention.

In this case, just add a few bay leaves to a cup of boiling water and let it steep for ten minutes.

Tea infusion

Green Tea

Although infusions are mainly characterized by being prepared with other types of ingredients than tea, the truth is that tea can be added to any type of infusion to achieve more benefits.

As we know, tea in general is a highly beneficial product for our body, especially green tea.

The latter is purifying and detoxifying, in addition to preventing the formation of fatty liver. Its preparation is the same as any other infusion.

Always remember that before taking any of the detoxifying infusions you should consult with your doctor when in doubt about any drug interaction and the effects of the ingredients on health.

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