The Innumerable Properties Of The Nopal (tuna)

The nopal is a plant of the cactus family. It grows from the northern US to Patagonia. Much is used in Mexican gastronomy, especially the stems for salads and the fruit (known by the name of “tuna” in Argentina and “prickly pears” in Spain) for ice cream and sweets, such as syrup of tuna.

It has also been used as a natural medicine since pre-Columbian antiquity, as it appears to have innumerable health benefits.

The ancient Aztecs used it to heal and heal wounds, they also cured fever by drinking its juice. In addition, they used the pulp in poultices to relieve dry skin and irritation, heal chapped or parched lips. With the nopal root they cured hernia, stomach ulcers and liver irritation.

Some uses of nopal

In its nutritional information, we can highlight the presence of calcium (80 mg), potassium and silica. It is rich in fiber and vitamins such as A, B, B2, B6, C and K. Thanks to its vitamin content and 17 amino acids, nopal can help protect the immune system.

The prickly pear fruit could be used as a supplement for diabetes  due to its high content of mucilage, a type of fiber that helps regulate blood sugar. However, we strongly recommend going to a specialist doctor to give us a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Even a study published in International Scholarly Research Notices: Pharmacology , advises consuming nopal juice simultaneously with other diabetes medications in order to regulate blood glucose.

However, the publication indicates that it should be taken with care in combination with oral antidiabetic treatment, as there are few reports on its possible contraindications. In this case and, as we have already said, it is best to consult the doctor.

Another of its properties is that it can help lower cholesterol. The LDL it contains is believed to expel bad cholesterol from the body, but without affecting good cholesterol. It prevents the thickening of the walls of the blood vessels due to the accumulation of fat, which helps prevent atherosclerosis.

There is a popular belief that the extract and the flowers of the cactus are used to protect the pancreas and liver from damage caused by insecticides, thanks to its flavonoid content, it also seems that it also  has detoxifying properties, and helps eliminate toxins, like car smoke or cigarettes, or even alcohol.

Since there are no scientific studies that support it, so, the best thing in these cases is not to make changes in our lifestyle without having previously consulted a medical specialist.

Other properties of the nopal

Nopal flower

Although there is no scientific research that corroborates the following data, it is said that this fruit  contributes to a regular intestinal transit, and is used against gastritis, heartburn, and gastric ulcers. In addition, cases have been described in which it produced an astringent and antidiarrheal effect  .

The nopal and diet

Nopal juice can delay the absorption time of food  and eliminate it more quickly, so it could be an ally for weight loss.

Thus, due to its high fiber content, it is a possible ally to reduce appetite and give a greater feeling of satiety for longer.

Antioxidant properties are also attributed to it , which would help eliminate free radicals, substances that cause cellular deterioration and can cause various diseases.

The nopal is a fruit with multiple possible applications for health. Even so, in the face of serious health problems, it is always best to go to the doctor.

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