4 Great Tips To Take Care Of Your Mattress. Put Them Into Practice!

And you … how do you take care of your mattress? Sometimes we do not appreciate the importance of this very basic element in our life, a surface in which we spend, on average, between 7 and 9 hours every day.

Its firmness, its hygiene and its good condition are not only essential for a better rest. It also guarantees the good health of our back and even prevents us from suffering from different allergic processes.

We cannot forget, for example, that mattresses make up a “fabulous” environment for mites to proliferate. It is therefore necessary to follow a series of guidelines so that their presence is minimal and they also guarantee us adequate health.

Today in our space we want to explain how to do it. Because, sometimes, small modifications make up big benefits that can change our lives.

1. Good ventilation

During the summer they cool the room

Surely on some occasion you have heard or read that “making bed in the morning is not good for your health.” This phrase must be qualified so as not to fall into simple sensationalism.

  • Mites like warm, humid environments. If we make the bed immediately, we will only reinforce that environment so favorable for the mites to continue to proliferate.
  • It is advisable to wait 1 or 2 hours before making the bed.
  • Ideally, remove the sheets and bedspread and open the bedroom windows to allow the mattress to ventilate.
  • It is important that fresh air enters the room. In this way, we will sanitize the mattress until the mites die.

However, remember: the mites will have died, but the exoskeleton of these microscopic beings can remain in the mattress and cause the same allergies.

Therefore, it is necessary to implement another strategy.

2. Baking soda to disinfect the mattress

Disinfect mattress

Now we know that, every day, it is advisable to ventilate the bed for a couple of hours before making it, that is, before putting the sheets and bedspread back on.

The second key to maintaining proper hygiene in our mattress is to clean it once a month. To achieve this, take note of this simple proposal.

What I need

  • Vaccum cleaner.
  • Baking soda (100 g).
  • Tea tree oil essential oil.

How i do it

What we will do is remove all the sheets and place the slanted mattress next to the window.

  • Mix the bicarbonate with the tea tree oil in the cup. Afterwards, we sprinkle this mixture on the mattress.
  • If we see that we need more, we will add a new cup with the same amounts of this essential oil, which will guarantee adequate disinfection.

    Let it air for two hours with these two very healthy ingredients. Remember to do it on both sides of the mattress. The smell that it will leave you is very pleasant.

    3. Rotate the mattress periodically

    Surely you already knew, but it does not hurt to remember something essential to take care that our mattress does not suffer from deformations.

    • Every week you must turn the mattress.
    • Remember to also turn the head area to the foot part.

    We must also bear in mind that the bed is not to sit on. Sometimes we spend many hours with the computer or a book in this position.

    These kinds of habits that we all have end up deforming our mattress as well.

    4. The protection of a good cover


    All mattresses come with their own cover. However, to guarantee not only a better rest but also a better health of the fabric, it is highly advisable to add another cover.

    • It will serve as a barrier between the mattress and other external agents such as our sweat.
    • In addition, we can wash this cover in the washing machine, like any other garment.
    • A good cover should be breathable, waterproof and easy to wash. Cotton ones, for example, are very suitable.

    To conclude, we know that you already knew most of these simple tips. Actually, it would be about being aware that maintaining the good condition of our mattress is essential to get up with more courage and energy.

    Your back will appreciate these remedies and, in case of allergies, they will also be of great help. Do we put them into practice?

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