Nitrite Additives In Sausages Form Carcinogens

The presence of certain components in processed foods could constitute a risk factor when developing certain diseases. It is, in particular, nitrite, present in some types of sausages. This has been revealed by different studies.

Sausage consumption and certain diseases

One of the investigations linked the ingestion of sausages and similar foods with leukemia patients. To do this, the children’s diet was analyzed from birth to 10 years. Those who ate more than 12 hot dogs a month were nine times more likely to have the disease.

And be careful, because the risk was also present in the case of mothers who ate at least 12 hot dogs a month before becoming pregnant or during pregnancy.

On the other hand, a study in the city of Denver, United States, revealed that children whose mothers had eaten hot dogs at least once a week during pregnancy had twice the risk of developing brain tumors. Almost the same as those who consumed this food regularly.

The presence of nitrite in certain types of sausages

One of the main problems with this food is that it contains nitrite  as a preservative, in order to combat botulism. While sausages are cooking, these nitrites combine with other natural components of the meat and form compounds called N-nitroso, carcinogens.

Nitrites are also believed to combine in the stomach to form this same substance, linked to cancer of the bladder, brain, stomach, kidney, esophagus, and oral cavity. But this substance is not only present in sausages, also “cured” meats can contain it.

However, it is very important to point out that  not all the sausages we find on the market have nitrite. We know which ones have this substance by the color of the food. If they are very reddish in color, they may have a greater presence of this preservative.

Nitrite-free hot dogs are the ones with the lightest brown or skin color. However, do not be fooled, as food companies know how to combine other compounds to show that there are not as many nitrites.

Tips for eating sausages

Sausage factory
First of all, it is better to consume sausages that are of the homemade type, not industrial. The former are found on farms, fairs and some butchers. The industrial ones are in the markets and they come in sealed packages.

In addition, it is advised not to eat more than 12 sausages per month, no matter what type they are. You can ask for a nitrite-free brand in your regular market and find out at your children’s school which ones are for lunch.

It is true that some vegetables have nitrites too (especially green ones like lettuce, celery or spinach). However, consuming these vegetables reduces the risk of cancer. This is possible because they do not form n-nitroso even when boiled.

Nitrite in vegetables is beneficial because they contain vitamins C and D, which inhibit the production of n-nitroses. Therefore, they are not dangerous to our health, quite the opposite.

How are the sausages made?

They are one of the most consumed foods in the world and have some secrets that are worth uncovering. We are referring to the industrial companies  that are bought in the market.

Doctors, nutritionists and researchers have analyzed each of the components of the sausages. There are about 35 types, but we will refer to the classic “Vienna sausages”.

Sausage factory

Mechanically separated meat

The meat of the sausages is poultry and comes mainly from chicken, chicken and turkey. The birds are plucked and placed in a mechanical system that separates the bones from the meat. This can also be done with cows or pigs, but it is more difficult.

In a microscopic analysis of the meat of the sausages, a great variety of crushed tissues and bones can be observed. Also nerves, cartilage, blood vessels, skin, etc.

Flavors and water

As the second ingredient in sausages we find water. The food rules indicate that at least 10% of each unit must be water. However, in some brands they have been found up to 50%. The problem is not the water itself, but what it is mixed with.

The flavorings are diluted in water and depend on the regulations of the particular country. These are chemical agents, essences or flavorings to make them spicier or with more flavor.

Salt and corn syrup


These two ingredients are present in large quantities in all fast food. In the case of corn syrup, it is used to give the food a consistency, texture and sweetness similar to that of homemade sausage.

On the other hand, the salt is needed for the elaboration, although they tend to exceed the proportions. For example, a sausage has almost 500 mg of salt, that is, 20% of the recommended daily amount.

Sodium phosphates and potassium lactates

Sodium phosphate is a mixture of salts of sodium and phosphoric acid and works as an additive. In this specific case, it interacts with proteins (they make them “useless”), increases juiciness and reduces water loss.

In relation to potassium lactate, it is a type of salt that is used as an acidity regulator and antioxidant. It is a meat preservative because it has antimicrobial properties.

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