3 Natural And Medicinal Drinks To Calm The Nerves

The emotional stress of the day to day causes changes in our adrenal glands. This translates into an increase in the level of adrenaline and cortisol in the blood. These two components generate alterations such as headaches, nerves, dizziness, poor digestion, and so on.

It is a sensation known to all of us. Hence, we wanted to tell you about these 3 delicious natural drinks that are an ideal complement to our meals.

We all probably agree that the first step in managing stress is setting priorities. Only then will we be able to control anxiety. Ideally, you would add these natural remedies. They will relax you and you will be able to feel, like this, better. Take note.

1. Wild rose infusion for stomach nerves

The infusion of wild rose or dog rose is delicious. It is not a flower. It is a thorny bush with small reddish fruits that you can find in herbal stores ready to infuse.

This medicinal plant has many applications. One of the best known is, without a doubt, that of  relaxing the nerves that are concentrated in the stomach. It is those nerves that  prevent us from digesting well. This is something common especially when we go through periods of stress and anxiety.

Well, the infusion, like the plant, is very rich in tannins and, above all, in vitamin C. This drink is so digestive that it can  treat everything from dyspepsia to intestinal disorders. Including abdominal pain  and almost any digestive problem of nervous origin. Hence the recommendation to drink 1 or 2 cups of wild rose tea after meals.


  • 1 tablespoon of wild rose infusion (10 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (7.5 g)


    • Bring the water to a boil.
    • Once hot, add the wild rose.
    • Wait 15 minutes for the decoction to take place.
    • Let it rest for another 10 minutes.
    • Sweeten with a little honey and drink little by little. You will see how good it suits you.

    2. Coconut water with honey for before bed

    Coconut water is almost always associated with energy power. But, it is also an ideal remedy to take just before sleeping, as long as we add a tablespoon of honey.

    As a wonderful source of magnesium and potassium, coconut water relaxes muscles and facilitates blood circulation. In addition, the high level of B-complex vitamins present in honey and coconut water, cause  the nerves to relax. And, therefore, that the headache  and agitation that we suffer in times of stress is reduced.


    • 1 glass of natural coconut water (200 ml)
    • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


    • Dilute the honey in the natural coconut water.
    • Serve in your favorite glass and drink before bed.

    You’ll love it.

    3. Lavender lemonade for headaches

    Lavender lemonade is an explosion of flavor in your mouth and an ocean of calm for your nerves, your muscles and your head.

    Lavender has, above all, a great sedative and relaxing power. It is a good natural anxiolytic of which its essential oil is almost always used. For this reason, it is likely that you find this lemonade something strange, whose protagonist is, however, an aromatic plant.

    And is that lavender has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and detoxifying properties. Not the bucket, in recent years the consumption of its infusion has become popular. If we also add a good supply of vitamin C, the calming effect, as well as restorative, will be higher.

    Do you dare to try it? We explain how to do it.


    • 1 liter of water
    • juice of 1 lemon
    • 2 tablespoons of dry lavender ready to infuse (20 g)
    • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


    • Bring the water to a boil in the kettle and add the 2 tablespoons of dried lavender.
    • Allow the infusion to brew for 20 minutes
    • Let it sit for another 10 and strain the contents to reserve only the lavender water. It smells so good!
    • Pour the water that you have reserved in a large jug and add the lemon juice, the lavender infusion and the rest of the liter of water.
    • Stir well.
    • Don’t forget to sweeten your lemonade with a little honey. And above all, enjoy it.

    Drink it fresh throughout the day.

    However, remember that to calm your nerves you need to take an hour of rest for yourself, to  disconnect.

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