Muscle Contractures: Natural Treatment And Prevention

Muscle contractures are something that, unfortunately, we often suffer from.

They are related to the bad postures we adopt, emotional stress, irregular practice of exercise or, even, with a poor diet.

All this comes to configure that annoying pain, almost always lodged in the neck or back, which affects our quality of life and daily activities.

But what exactly is a muscle contracture?

Let’s take an example …

position muscle contractures work

Let’s imagine a long day at work.

We have spent almost nine hours in front of a computer full of tension.

Of course, hardly realizing the position we had in our chair all that time.

When we get home, we can’t even turn our heads.

Our muscles are stiff and tight, preventing blood from flowing normally in the area.

Then toxins begin to be stored in the muscle fibers and our nerves send an urgent message to the brain: “something is happening.”

That alarm signal is precisely pain, which warns us of the well-known and feared contracture.

However, let’s face discouragement, as there are simple remedies with which to address the discomfort we feel.

Topical solutions for muscle contractures

Hot baths

Applying heat to the affected area helps relieve symptoms. In this sense, it is useful to drop the shower water on the neck or back.

There is also the option of doing relaxing baths including Epsom salts, whose magnesium content acts against the shortening present in muscle contractures.

However, to get the most out of this strategy it is necessary that we then stretch. This is demonstrated by a study developed by the University of Kobe.


Rosemary plant

The essence of this aromatic plant has anti-inflammatory properties, as indicated by an investigation by Professor Horacio Bach and his team.

The steps to take to prepare this remedy would be the following:

  • We put several sprigs of rosemary in a cup of hot water.
  • We let the decoction take place for a few minutes.
  • We go on to strain the remains to keep the infusion.
  • Next we mix the liquid with clay to obtain a homogeneous mass. It is important that it is rather hot, but without burning us.
  • We apply this paste on the affected area for a few minutes.


It is a root used in traditional Chinese medicine. Its ability to reduce inflammation has also been scientifically proven, as indicated, for example, by the review published by Ren You Gan et al.

The way to proceed in this case would consist of:

  • Use the roasted ginger and cut into sheets, as a dressing that we will put on the area where we feel pain.
  • Place it using gauze pads and leave it on the skin for a few minutes.

Foods to take care of ourselves against muscle contractures

Through food we obtain nutrients such as minerals, which, in general, help improve the state of our muscles.

Therefore, elements such as potassium can be included in the diet , whose role is essential when participating in muscle contraction.

In fact, we find works like Alicia A. McDonough and Jang H. Youn that explain its health benefits in detail.

Make sure they do not lack in your day to day:

  • Fruits: banana, plum, peach, cherry.
  • Nuts: almonds, walnuts, peanuts.
  • Vegetables: potato, eggplant, broccoli, beet, cauliflower.

On the other hand, magnesium is also an important mineral in muscle activity, as stated in a recent review of the Royal Darwin Hospital in Australia.

It is possible to incorporate it into meals with:

  • Cereals: rice, wheat, oats.
  • Nuts: hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, pistachios.
  • Legumes: lentils, beans, chickpeas, broad beans.
  • Dark chocolate


Tips to prevent muscle contractures

  • Avoid, as much as possible, situations of stress or anxiety.
  • Try not to hold the same posture for a long time.
  • Change your posture when talking on the phone.
  • Do not carry the bag on the same side continuously.
  • Your computer should be centered in front of you, no more to the right or to the left.
  • Save yourself bad posture while driving.
  • You better not sleep on your stomach.
  • Try stretching sometime during the day.

Will you remember what you can do?

In this article, certain guidelines are proposed to address the discomfort caused by muscle contractures or even prevent its appearance.

Remember that there are solutions based on natural ingredients or that are related to some of our habits, including physical exercise and diet.

Any time is a good time to start taking care of yourself a little more.

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