5 Psychological Traits Of Submissive People

Submissive people are characterized by not raising their voices, always staying in second place and abiding by everything that the most authoritarian people can demand of them.

Although, on certain occasions, an attitude of this type can lead a person to get involved in harmful relationships where they are clearly damaged. The truth is that changing this way of being can be complicated.

It’s not that these types of people don’t want to stop being submissive. From the experiences they carry behind their backs, they have acquired certain psychological traits that they cannot get rid of lightly.

Let’s see what they are in the next article.

1. Submissive people are not assertive

submissive people drinking coffee

Submissive people do not prioritize their needs, or what they may want. Instead, they always think first of what others need or want.

Their lack of assertiveness pushes them, for example, to adopt a totally secondary role in a work group. All this, because of the great difficulty they have in expressing their points of view or opinions.

Although they wish to do so, they are self-conscious and back down.

They believe that what they think will not be taken into account and they even doubt their own opinions, whether these are really mere nonsense.

2. Your past is full of pain

Submissive people may not have been born with this way of being and behaving, but the experiences lived have made them, little by little, lock themselves in.

A childhood where the relationship between the parents has been unhealthy, or an adolescence full of moments of bullying , may be sufficient reasons for someone who has a totally submissive role.

The low self-esteem and insecurity they feel causes them not to believe themselves useful if it is not by making themselves available to other people. According to this study by the University of Costa Rica, self-esteem is a determining factor in our development, since we need not only our own, but also feel appreciated by those around us.

This is not healthy for them, because they become very vulnerable people who can be harmed by anyone for free.

3. They always avoid any kind of conflict

man yelling at his partner

We will never see submissive people seeking conflict with others, but quite the opposite, avoiding them at all costs.

Conflicts are something that makes them very nervous, perhaps because it reminds them of some experience in the past.

The problem is that,  to avoid conflict, they have to bow their heads. So assume what they are not willing to accept and not give themselves the place they deserve.

This concern to avoid any type of problem, anger or discussion causes them great wear and tear.

4. They don’t want to attract attention

Some might mistake it for shyness, but in reality, it is a way to go unnoticed, not to stand out.

People who are submissive are extremely concerned about what others may think of them. Therefore, they tend to dress and behave in an extremely discreet manner.

This guarantees them to avoid humiliating moments or those that have some possibility of generating a conflict.

5. They tend to be emotionally dependent

man with false modesty

Submissive people think so much of others and are so vulnerable that they need someone to protect them.

Therefore, it is completely natural for them to end up in dependent relationships where the other person gives meaning to their life, while protecting them. This is called Artemis Syndrome, according to this research carried out by the University of Oviedo (Asturias).

This is believed to be true even in abusive relationships. Well, even if the other person does not treat them well, at least they have someone with them.

A point of view that exposes them to suffer a lot in their relationships.

Have you been in contact with submissive people? Have you been part of this group? Getting out of this state of maximum submission is possible, but it requires a lot of work and awareness of what is happening.

You can learn to be more assertive, raise your self-esteem. So get rid of the insecurity that makes us feel worthless.

Submissive people, due to their psychological traits, tend to suffer a lot.

His attitude attracts people who are violent, aggressive or who try to do them some harm so that they realize that they have to start giving themselves the value they deserve.

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