Oatmeal Infusion To Treat A Swollen Belly

Did you know that an oatmeal infusion can alleviate that annoying feeling of a bloated belly ? Believe it or not, it is something very common in women. The cause is almost always related to the classic problem of fluid retention or heavy digestion.

It doesn’t matter if we are overweight or in good shape. That bulging “tummy” is something very common at the end of the day. That is why today in our space we want to offer you a simple remedy that will surely help you. Do we take note?

The benefits of oatmeal to treat a swollen belly

We will start by commenting on something important. There are people who complain that oatmeal does not suit them, that it is not digestive and that, instead of purifying the body and facilitating digestion, it causes heaviness and discomfort.

Although oatmeal is one of the healthiest foods that exist, in case we feel bad, it is possible that we have some type of allergy.

So if your experience with oatmeal has always been negative, consult your doctor to find out if there is any kind of intolerance.

Having clarified this, let’s see now what virtues this cereal has to promote our digestive health and avoid stomach bloating.

1. Oats, a slow-absorbing cereal

Flaked oats

First of all, we have to recognize that when we talk about oats as a “superfood” there is a lot of reason in it. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and carbohydrates. And not only that: oats have a high fiber content.

This means that it will promote intestinal transit. In addition to this, oats will help us absorb nutrients better.

  • Drinking oatmeal infusion before or after our meals will help us to feel more satiated, to digest food better, since they are absorbed slowly and adequately.
  • Nor can we forget that this infusion is diuretic, therefore, we will be able to regulate that fluid retention thanks to its adequate sodium and potassium-based content.
  • A slow absorption always activates our metabolism. Food is not stored producing gases, but everything is absorbed properly and progressively through the intestines.
  • Oatmeal is an anti-inflammatory food, very suitable, for example, in case we suffer from irritable bowel. This is suggested by this research from the University of Turin (Italy).

2. Oatmeal infusion relaxes and reduces stress

According to this study from the University of South Australia, oats are a very interesting ally to combat stress and anxiety. It is common for women to lead a very active life: work, home, children, friendships … All this activity ends up overloading the body and our mind.

Stress accumulates, we store toxins produced by cortisol, digestions become heavy and, at the end of the day, the annoying bloated belly always appears. Have we gotten fat? Absolutely. It is fluid retention, dyspepsia or even irritable bowel, common in cases of stress or anxiety.

In addition, its high content of vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B6, zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin A and E  helps us regulate blood pressure and reduces the risk of cardiovascular accidents. This is suggested by this study from the Taipei Veterans General Hospital (Taiwan).

How to prepare my oatmeal infusion

Oat water


  • 3 glasses of mineral water (600 ml)
  • 100 g of organic oat flakes
  • A stick of cinnamon (5 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)

As utensils, you will need a one-liter glass bottle, a saucepan, a wooden spoon and a strainer.


The first thing we will do is buy organic oats. It is important to do it in establishments where they assure us that their cultivation has been adequate, in order to benefit from all its virtues.

  • Boil those 3 glasses of water  and then add the 100 grams of oats, the cinnamon stick and honey.
  • Let it cook for 30 minutes. After that time, cover the casserole and allow it to rest for at least an hour. If you want, you can make this recipe as soon as you get up. That way you will have it ready for the whole day.
  • Once it has rested long enough, strain all the contents and keep only the water obtained.
    • Store the oatmeal infusion in a glass bottle. You can leave it at room temperature.

    How to take the oatmeal infusion?

    Have a glass before every meal. The first at breakfast, the second 15 minutes before lunch, and the third 15 minutes before your dinner.

    In this way, we will be able to feel more satiated, that food is better digested and absorbed properly without producing gas or bloating. When night comes, you will also feel more relaxed.

    You can follow this treatment 3 times a week and see how it suits you. It is your body and it is you who must perceive if it makes you feel good and if it brings you adequate well-being.

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